by DMA Design, TransGaming Inc., Rockstar Games, Take-Two Interactive
Genres:Adventure, Shooter, Simulator, Racing
Themes:Open world, Action, Sandbox
Game modes:Single player
Story:Featuring a fully 3-D living city, a combination of narrative driven and non-linear gameplay and a completely open environment, Grand Theft Auto III represents a huge leap forward in interactive entertainment. For the first time, players are put at the heart of their very own gangster movie, and let loose in a fully-realised 3 dimensional city, in which anything can happen and probably will.
With a cast of hundreds, 50 plus vehicles, ranging from sports cars to ice cream trucks and from boats to buses, 3 hours of music, including opera, reggae, house, drum and bass, pop and disco, a huge array of street ready weapons and some of the seediest characters in video game history, Grand Theft Auto 3 is a sprawling epic which will show you that sometimes, crime can pay and sometimes it can pay you back. Available now for PlayStation2, Xbox, PC and Macintosh.Show more
Take care to bring the old game, here! Avoid the sheety "remaster", at all costs, please! This is an iconic game, a pioneer of the genre, a living legend if you will! Treat it with the respect it deserves, now...
I love the dark & foggy atmosphere of GTA 3. The streets of Liberty City is a place I love to come back to once in a while just to cruise around in. Plz get Rockstar to bring the OG version back with enhancements.
I want this game and the original Trilogy to be enjoyed by everyone. Having both the Definitive Edition and the original version it would be amazing, the same way we have the Bioshock games not only selling their remasters but also allowing players to own a copy of the original release to discover how different and unique these versions are. GTA3 was a mass success and it deserves a place in GOG.
I will be very direct I wasn't crazy for GTA 2D Universe games myself. Yes I did give em a try just wasn't my thing out of respect. Then I gotten to play GTA III on PS2 and Xbox original a little later. This game blew my mind among the first PS2 games I owned. This was a dramatically transformation going from 2D to 3D. At the same time, they recreated the experience in a way that's fun for everyone. Yes there's some difficulty spikes if you aren't using cheats. GTA III does have a great campaign. A very decent lineup of characters with great voice actors. You simply could rewatch the cut scenes. Instantly it feels like you're watching a great movie. There's plenty of secrets hidden around the map. The soundtrack is among my favorites back when I was into the franchise. The sound effects are truly amazing. Considering it's among the best selling game franchises ever!!! The original version of GTA III going to sell incredibly well on GOG. I don't think the newer version going to come close. GOG wants to deliver the best games in the absolute best possible way. Sometimes that means giving people the classic versions over newer ones. In this case is a rather wise idea. GTA III is a game that holds up amazingly well. It started GTA 3D Universe which is my favorite GTA universe. This game is a great entry point for newer GTA fans.
grałem tą część po polsku na kompie z XP a chciałbym żeby była wydana po polsku ta część gry bo już sama grafika i muzyka jest ciekawe w niej gra się fajnie i rozumie misje całkiem .
Bestes GTA Ever, mehr muss ich nicht dazu sagen! Die 2D Spiele von GTA haben mir nie gefallen, aber die 3D Versionen, Waaaooow!
Teil 3 hat einen besonderen Platz in meinem Herzen, habe es damals auf der PS2 gespielt! Bombe!
I've never experienced the story of Grand Theft Auto 3 before, and for my first time of this game, I don't want it to be the remaster. I want it to be the original version of the game because not only do I want to appreciate the third game in the series, I also want to appreciate the video game that truly pioneered 3D video games as we know them.