Posted April 14, 2017

I am not a fan of boxed coolers like the Wraith and I did especially not want a top blower again, like the current AMD boxed coolers all are. Top blowers seem to be inferior for the overall cooling concept of the case in my opinion.
Nevertheless, from what I read, the current Wraith coolers seem to be good coolers concerning silence and cooling for the additional money they cost compared to a blank CPU. They should reach similar cooling results as the Noctua I use, maybe 5-10°C worse and a bit louder, always depending on the rest of the systems cooling of course. Anyway, I think you get a decent medium-range cooler for the price of an low-end cooler with them. They also have an LED ring if that matters to you, but personally I would switch that off anyway.
Maybe somebody here has one of the boxed versions running and can add an direct experience.
Post edited April 14, 2017 by Quasebarth