ClassicGamer592: That one old Ferrari car didn't break because Ferrari didn't shutdown the servers since it has no electric stuff, so there's still old ferrari cars you can drive :)
You got me there XD
ClassicGamer592: As for the Battlefield 3 copy, i have two copies. (one physical copy on PS3, and got one digital copy on PC because of a free giveaway on Origin) and that DRMed digital only PC version is more preserved than the physical PS3 version as that DRMed digital only PC version already has mods like Venice Unleashed to play on self hosted private servers.
The copy on PC isn't necessarily more preserved. EA could still delete it from your library if they wanted to (unlikely, but it has happened, and is always a danger with account tied digital games). But I do agree it is, right now, far more future proofed and functional than the PS3 copy, but that's only because no one made a similar mod to Venice Unleashed on PS3, which is 100% possible to do, but unlikely to happen. But if it were to happen, your PS3 copy would be the most preserved option.
ClassicGamer592: Also i'm not saying "physical media is bad because servers shutdown" I'm just annoyed in physical versus digital debates, people say stuff like "Physical games is better and cannot be taken away from you because it's in your hands"
This is correct. In the case of online only games, it doesn't mean the game will be functional, but you'll have a much harder to revoke license than a digital one, hands down.
ClassicGamer592: "PC is the most evil platform because they started digital only"
I partially agree here. But it wasn't PC itself, it was Steam. I do think that in some regard, digital only is inherently predatory on customers, and that would 100% be the case if there weren't DRM free movements. Digital removes value from your purchases, doesn't lower game prices (like it was promised when they started pushing digital and killing off physical), and if it weren't for DRM free storefronts, you wouldn't even have some form of ownership. With physical, the product you buy has a value, and you own it.
ClassicGamer592: When in reality all "physical video games" are just digital games stored in a disc like how a digital game is stored in a HDD.
Yes, but can you sell the games on your HDD? Or your HDD containing your games? You can't. This possibility with physical is for me alone a lot more pro-consumer than digital.
ClassicGamer592: When The Crew shutdown i have seen lots of people in the youtube comments section say that "digital games is evil and all of us should buy physical games to save gaming" when we can already buy lots of physical copies on every platform the game released on for 10 years. These physical discs are more dead than 99% of digital only games released.
Once again, as I said before, the game itself is to blame here, not physical media. You shouldn't completely disregard physical media just because of this minority of games (and yes, they're a minority).
That particular example has many explanations. It (unfortunately) is a franchise that sells like hot cakes, people don't know that that disc in particular doesn't work, or don't care, and a lot of kids go to retail stores and want it, and it's still a lot easier for kids to ask parents for a disc as a gift than a digital game (unless you're a "great" parent that just slaps your debit card on PSN and let your children buy as many slop games as they want).
ClassicGamer592: And i never heard of any "only buy physical" console gamers say that console online clients like Xbox Live has "ruined console gaming" like how many DRM-free gamers here say that PC online clients like Steam has "ruined PC gaming" :)
Oh.... you maybe haven't heard yourself, but I have, and just like me, the vast majority of people I know despise what Xbox Live did on consoles. In fact, a lot of people praised the PS3 and still do to this day, because it was the only console with online multiplayer that never required a subscription, while the 360 at the time did, and the next consoles followed suit.
I absolutely despise subscription services, and don't pay for PS Plus on my PS5. I'd say everyone hates it, but they don't have a choice, they have to play along with it at this point. And those that do like it, are too far gone, and too ignorant to realize the dangers of such services.
One last main advantage that I'd like to point out for physical: physical games are immune to delistings, and nowadays, physical is the only way to obtain a lot of games. No matter how good DRM free is, this is its biggest weakness, which is the proof of why we can't rely on digital exclusively.