interesse: listen my not so dear dear dunning kruger prime example, i do not say galaxy is shit cause i dont know how to use it, i say galaxy is shit cause i wanted to install a game and instead got another data kraken installed, which didnt even bother to ask where i want to install it...
i dont love me comments from people that *believe* they r smart - and know my motives yet they fail to comprehend the written word even if it says what my motive is...
try again son "i wanted to install gwent but instead i got this shit"
You have to have Galaxy to play Gwent... I told you how to get Galaxy installed on D: or just you game if you want it on D:, but Galaxy has to be installed because Gwent is a online MP game that is in BETA.
If you do what I told you, your issue would be solved by now. I had Galaxy installed on my D: drive for the longest time so I know you can also do so if you wish.
But don't listen, I guess you just want to rant rather than actually solve anything...