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USERNAME:interesse#Q&_^Q&Q#GROUP:4i wanted to install gwent but instead i got this shit
listen my not so dear dear dunning kruger prime example, i do not say galaxy is shit cause i dont know how to use it, i say galaxy is shit cause i wanted to install a game and instead got another data kraken installed, which didnt even bother to ask where i want to install it...

i dont love me comments from people that *believe* they r smart - and know my motives yet they fail to comprehend the written word even if it says what my motive is...

try again son "i wanted to install gwent but instead i got this shit"
Post edited January 02, 2018 by interesse
Since Gwent is multi-player only for now and it relies on Galaxy for that to work, you must install Galaxy to install Gwent.

Hope you get things soon setup in an acceptable way.
interesse: listen my not so dear dear dunning kruger prime example, i do not say galaxy is shit cause i dont know how to use it, i say galaxy is shit cause i wanted to install a game and instead got another data kraken installed, which didnt even bother to ask where i want to install it...

i dont love me comments from people that *believe* they r smart - and know my motives yet they fail to comprehend the written word even if it says what my motive is...

try again son "i wanted to install gwent but instead i got this shit"
You have to have Galaxy to play Gwent... I told you how to get Galaxy installed on D: or just you game if you want it on D:, but Galaxy has to be installed because Gwent is a online MP game that is in BETA.

If you do what I told you, your issue would be solved by now. I had Galaxy installed on my D: drive for the longest time so I know you can also do so if you wish.

But don't listen, I guess you just want to rant rather than actually solve anything...
Post edited January 02, 2018 by user deleted
I looked at the Gwent page. It says you need to be online to play, but does it specifically say "GALAXY"?

I have no interest myself but I am mildly curious. There are various ways to MP and if GOG doesn't point out that you need Galaxy as opposed to just on line capability, then the OP might have a beef.

If it is on the page and I missed it then void this post.
SeeJayGamer: Is there any way on Windows 7 to force an installer to not install on the C: drive? Any symbolic links, junctions or hard links that can be used, or even some registry tweaks?
drealmer7: not sure what you mean? you can designate where you want anything to install
Not anything. Some installers do not offer you a choice or option of where to install. This is why I'm looking for a safe way to trick the computer into having the Programs folder stored on a different physical location/drive.
interesse: listen my not so dear dear dunning kruger prime example, i do not say galaxy is shit cause i dont know how to use it, i say galaxy is shit cause i wanted to install a game and instead got another data kraken installed, which didnt even bother to ask where i want to install it...

i dont love me comments from people that *believe* they r smart - and know my motives yet they fail to comprehend the written word even if it says what my motive is...

try again son "i wanted to install gwent but instead i got this shit"
Hey, asshole, he was legitimately trying to help you.
tfishell: Hey, asshole, he was legitimately trying to help you.
HEY! You know the rules about Doxing people! No real names!
To be fair, BKgaming started it by being an arrogant bumhole.
interesse: listen my not so dear dear dunning kruger prime example, i do not say galaxy is shit cause i dont know how to use it, i say galaxy is shit cause i wanted to install a game and instead got another data kraken installed, which didnt even bother to ask where i want to install it...

i dont love me comments from people that *believe* they r smart - and know my motives yet they fail to comprehend the written word even if it says what my motive is...

try again son "i wanted to install gwent but instead i got this shit"
tfishell: Hey, asshole, he was legitimately trying to help you.
right back at u asswhole, feeling strong in a gaming forum?! pathetic loser! if he wanted to help me he could have stoped talking after he gave the tip but instead he acted like a dick and didnt even bother to try and think what i answered him and made the same mistake in his next post again... well dunning kruger is strong in him
KasperHviid: To be fair, BKgaming started it by being an arrogant bumhole.
good to see that there r other people that can differentiate between "helping someone" or "beeing a smartass" <3
Post edited January 04, 2018 by interesse
dunning kruger

Far out. I had to Google that one.