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.Ra: How many of you don't use the client and why? Also do you install one game at a time or multiple? And how do you organize your games if you do have multiple installed at the same time? Pics are welcomed.
I have hundreds of games installed at once on a whopping 2TB SSD that's still not even half full. How to organize hundreds of them? Same way I do for applications which don't even have a "client" - the Windows Start Menu. "Everything in one place", the menu is "vendor neutral" and doesn't care what store I bought things from (GOG, Humble, Steam, a CD-ROM from Electronic Boutique 20 years ago, or an old floppy disk from a mail order company I can't even remember 30 years ago, direct ScummVM links, direct DOSBox links, emulators, etc). It's very easy to create a few sub-folders to arrange them by genre (eg, Games - Adventure, Games - FPS, Games - RPG, etc). Everything opens instantly in 1-click.

I've simply never seen any need for a "gaming client" to launch games indirectly any more than I have an "application client" to 'help' me launch Firefox, VLC, Word, 7zip, etc, indirectly. Doubly so when half the most played games I own aren't even on GOG (NOLF, Age of Empires, etc) and manual shortcut links are needed anyway.

For things like ScummVM / DOSBox, I also prefer to have just one instance of the application installed and have that point to a folder with all the games / data files put into sub-folders, eg, ScummVM\Sam & Max, ScummVM\Beneath A Steel Sky, etc, rather than install them GOG style (one ScummVM per game). Same with DOS games under \DOS\. Once you've got this set up, it then becomes simple to zip up literally dozens / hundreds of games at once (and the Start Menu Shortcuts). And reinstalling is as simple as unzipping and copying pre-made shortcuts back to the Start Menu. And unlike Galaxy, it works just as well for games not available on GOG, eg, \DOS\Dune, or \ScummVM\The Neverhood.

For other games, the GOG way isn't always the best either. Eg, I have Doom 1-2, Heretic, Hexen and Strife all installed in one portable GZDoom folder. One zip file for 5 games is not only faster and simpler, it retains mods, custom settings / key-bindings, etc, between re-installs. Same goes for other source-ports, eg, Quakespasm. Or for some games, extra tweaks are needed anyway, eg, Thief 3's "Sneaky Upgrade", Morrowind's MGE XE, Oblivion's Script Extender, Fallout 3 FOSE, etc. Even with Galaxy, it's a myth that using a client simplifies re-installation vs a "portable" pre-configured zip file.

Achievements are completely unimportant to me as are cloud saves, though I did once experiment with linking Game Save Manager to Dropbox with great success - and again that was something that worked for games with no official cloud save support that aren't even sold on GOG / Steam (Freelancer, NOLF, etc).
Post edited July 05, 2019 by AB2012
I don't use it because I just don't find it necessary for me. Offline installers cover all my expectation. I usually buy older or complete games so patching doesn't happen often, I almost never play multiplayer, and I don't care about achievements or other social features. I think Galaxy is great for those who expect this kind of features and the right step for GOG, as long as it is kept optional.

Perhaps I will try it someday for cloud saves. But for the time being the good old installers do the trick.
Post edited July 05, 2019 by ConsulCaesar
.Ra: How many of you don't use the client and why?
I tried it a couple of years ago but ran into some problem where it failed to launch due to some wrong component or whatever. I haven't tried it since because I haven't had any reason to do so. For instance, two GOG games I am currently playing are Icewind Dale 2 and Deus Ex: Invisible War, and I fail to see how running them through the Galaxy client would benefit me in any way. I also have some other GOG games installed like Heroes of Might & Magic, Dungeon Keeper Gold, Dungeon Keeper 2 etc.

I might consider trying it again it I wanted to try out some GOG multiplayer game (like GWENT), but that hasn't happened yet. Maybe if GOG/CDPR released some online shooter similar to Team Fortress 2? That would be sweet.

Also, at some point I recall reading that if you had Galaxy client installed, it tried to launch itself whenever you tried to run any GOG game from its desktop icon. Apparently the workaround was to modify those game shortcuts somehow so that it wouldn't launch Galaxy anymore, but that seemed like too much extra hassle for nothing (having to edit all my GOG game shortcuts).

I don't know if Galaxy behaves this way anymore. If I install a GOG game from an offline installer, I do NOT want Galaxy client to launch if I just try to run that separately installed GOG game. Does Galaxy still do that? If it does, it is one reason for me not to even install Galaxy.
.Ra: Also do you install one game at a time or multiple?
What does that have anything to do with Galaxy? Normally I install only one game at a time (the one I got an urge to start playing), regardless whether or not I am using a client (like Steam or Galaxy) for installing and running the game.

If I want to install ten GOG games "at the same time", I guess I'd just launch their offline installers one after another from the external USB hard drive where my offline installers are. Much faster that way than first waiting that Galaxy downloads those ten games (and installs them) over my slow 10Mbps cable modem line.
.Ra: And how do you organize your games if you do have multiple installed at the same time? Pics are welcomed.
The same way other Windows programs are organized. They are all there, under the Start button, along with any other Windows programs.

On my Windows 7 PC, I also have a "GOG Games" shortcut on my desktop that takes me directly to the Start Menu folder of my installed GOG games. There I get a list of all my installed GOG games, and can launch them from that list.
A lot of us "technically savvy users" on GOG don't and won't use Galaxy because we're grumpy middle-aged sysadmins. Or so seems to be the general consensus among GOG's higher management :).
I don't because I'm on Linux. I like to have all games installed all the time if possible. At some point in the future I'm planning to write some kind of Python script to launch games and show some details about them.

If I could use Galaxy for achievements I probably would.
.Ra: How many of you don't use the client and why? Also do you install one game at a time or multiple? And how do you organize your games if you do have multiple installed at the same time? Pics are welcomed.
Not interested in achievements, I also like to use a [games, here] organiser using the desktop theme.
Since I went into Linux, I hate when a program or an application uses another theme than the one I use. I like uniformised themes.

So for games, I use Gcstar, and I've heard that Tellico is similar for KDE users.
Raises hand. Both hands.

I'm on Linux which thankfully doesn't have it yet, so it's not exactly a choice, but I would never want to use that hideous thing anyway. One of the reasons I prefer GOG over others (and especially shteam) is to get away from bloatware like this. I just want to fire up a game and play it. Not get spied on by shteam, gog or anybody else, and I don't care one iota about achievements or asocial features.

Get game --> Play game. In peace :)
low rated
Evidently I'm the only one not allowed to not use it. :P
.Ra: How many of you don't use the client and why? Also do you install one game at a time or multiple? And how do you organize your games if you do have multiple installed at the same time? Pics are welcomed.
1) I don't, as it's non-existant for my OS
2) A lot at the time
3) Using Lutris
Darvond: I use Lutris to organized it.
Like this?
I don't use GOG Galaxy. It was really good during the Beta period and I had high hope for inclusion of LAN emulation or something like that for easy online functionality to play old games in multiplayer (e.g. Heroes of Might & Magic). But alas it was not intended and Galaxy interface was changed to worse, it also ate a lot of computer resources and lately I had this issue with automatic application startup on every Windows restart despite settings specific setup to never do it. Forums were unreadable, videos were not playable and Movies sections was not available, a few games were unavailable in Galaxy as well (e.g. Sin), search function worked differently than in browser and copy and paste functions were introduced months later. Lastly Galaxy and browser installer/data batch versions were not always the same.
I don't know about Galaxy 2.0 but since Windows 7 is not supported it's a no go for me at least for 6 more months.

Galaxy is a good way to download really big games and then play them offline. But I don't use Galaxy anymore and only something spectacular can change my mind, and I want full multiplayer compatibility for old games, possibility to close a client with one mouse click (yes, it's important for me), readable forum, same functionaliy as in browser (search function / movie section) and my OS to be supported (currently Win7).

All my games are stored in ../Games/ folder and I prefer to download 3-6 old and new games to play.
I used to, but I stopped when GOG decided to make public all the data they've been collecting through it & took two weeks just to let us disable profiles.

Even Facebook doesn't go "SURPRISE! All your data is now public! Isn't that cool?" overnight.

It's good for downloading installers for backup purposes, though.
I use it for newer games that get updates and DLC. Like right now I'm using it for Amid Evil. I don't use it for classic stuff, I just install those to folder on C: drive called "games" and launch them from desktop shortcuts.
I use the client because of simple convenience of autopatching, I don't wanna have to waste time manually downloading patches for every game I've got installed.

I just have all my game's shortcuts in a single folder.
I used it a couple of times, but eventually uninstalled.

The major, nº1 reason I stopped using Galaxy is that games installed through the client had to be played with the client open always. Even if I tried booting the game from the Start menu, it would open Galaxy - just like a game bought on Steam, Origin, Uplay, etc., would open it's client every time you boot it.

Right now, I have a GOG game installed on my PC (via DRM-Free installer) and when I want to play it I just play it, straight from the Start menu, like it's 1995. I love it.

Also, in my experience, download is buggy. Sometimes it works great, sometimes (many times) it doesn't work at all.