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Damn, I've completely forgotten how to clip and comment on a particular part of a post. A} I'm frakkin old, B) a bit stoned,
and C) Been a long time,life has been busy until late.

@ GameRanger:
Didn't even notice that there was a privacy setting on wish-lists. TY, and that one is fixed.

@ Sildring:
I would rec Wiz 8 to anyone who wants a complex game with a deep story and almost infinite replay ability. The game is not kind to casual players, but for those who have the patience and the wit it is infinitely rewarding.

The graphics are blocky by today's standards, but still beautiful. The controls are well planned and easily mastered. Even today there remain a few bugs, but almost none are game breakers, and there are plenty of walk-throughs.

I would pimp this game to any serious RPG' players, and would put in my all-time top 20 list.

Not because of nostalgia, but because it remains one of the most kick-ass games ever made.
low rated
Sildring: How dare you being grateful ? Haven't you read the 50 topics about the downloader thing ? You have to be angry at GOG, they are not our friends, they are our enemies !

...Sorry, I thought we could laugh about it for once :p
Lol, good one.

Sildring: By the way would you recommend Wizardry to someone who never played it back in the day and therefore doesn't have any nostalgia for it ? I've always been curious about this series but unfortunately I don't know anyone who played it.
If you mean Wiz 8, you should use the combat movement/attack animations speed up mod, else it's excruciatingly slow....but beyond that it is very fun.

The graphics are nice, as are the areas/things to do in them, and the conversation system is unique but somewhat fun(you need to use keywords you learn in some places from some characters in other places with other characters....either by clicking the ones in your list or adding them in via typing them into your list of words to ask about).


rabblevox: @ GameRanger:
Didn't even notice that there was a privacy setting on wish-lists. TY, and that one is fixed.
Now you just need to accept my friend request(else I cannot send you anything, be it text or games). :)
Post edited April 13, 2020 by GameRager
I agree 110%! I don't have any mental health problems as far as I'm aware of, but I did get extremely fed up and annoyed with all the crap going on. Games are one of my favorite methods of escape from life's garbage and lately, GOG has been where I spend a lot of my time (and money!). I've been trying to move toward buying only from GOG unless a game isn't available here because I truly feel like the DRM-free, players-first attitude that GOG has, that's the future of gaming. Now, if only they'd get prepaid cards into stores like Steam has for those of us who don't have a credit card... that dream could become a reality but until then, I still have to use Steam for most of my purchases.

I love this site, I love GOG Galaxy 2.0, I love the company behind them both and lately, I've really been coming to love this community as well!
rabblevox: I've long known that GOG was a great company.

40 games in, only one had a glitch, which they helped me to fix within 2 days.

Now more than ever, stuck at home with no company, these games are important for my mental health. Partly it's because I'm limited to my "crappy lappy" and all these games run fine. And partly because a lot of these games, working under brutal hardware constraints managed nonetheless to be brilliant.

Right now I'm diving back into Wiz8 (IMO the BEST RPG EVER!), with breaks into Psychonauts and
Giants:: Citizen Kabuko, and Gabriel Knight (the best point/click ever).

Anyway, to all the GOG team, thank you for helping me stay semi-sane, and I grant you each a fishy stick. (bonus points if you know that reference.

Keyboard love from a quarantine zone.
Rich W
i just discoverd Wizardry 8 like last year!... definitely the best dungeon crawler ever made. Can't believe i missed that one back in the day. It's now on my list of favorite games of all time.
rabblevox: @ GameRanger:
Didn't even notice that there was a privacy setting on wish-lists. TY, and that one is fixed.
Check yer PM "stocking".....I sent ya a few gifts. :)