Posted April 13, 2020
Damn, I've completely forgotten how to clip and comment on a particular part of a post. A} I'm frakkin old, B) a bit stoned,
and C) Been a long time,life has been busy until late.
@ GameRanger:
Didn't even notice that there was a privacy setting on wish-lists. TY, and that one is fixed.
@ Sildring:
I would rec Wiz 8 to anyone who wants a complex game with a deep story and almost infinite replay ability. The game is not kind to casual players, but for those who have the patience and the wit it is infinitely rewarding.
The graphics are blocky by today's standards, but still beautiful. The controls are well planned and easily mastered. Even today there remain a few bugs, but almost none are game breakers, and there are plenty of walk-throughs.
I would pimp this game to any serious RPG' players, and would put in my all-time top 20 list.
Not because of nostalgia, but because it remains one of the most kick-ass games ever made.
and C) Been a long time,life has been busy until late.
@ GameRanger:
Didn't even notice that there was a privacy setting on wish-lists. TY, and that one is fixed.
@ Sildring:
I would rec Wiz 8 to anyone who wants a complex game with a deep story and almost infinite replay ability. The game is not kind to casual players, but for those who have the patience and the wit it is infinitely rewarding.
The graphics are blocky by today's standards, but still beautiful. The controls are well planned and easily mastered. Even today there remain a few bugs, but almost none are game breakers, and there are plenty of walk-throughs.
I would pimp this game to any serious RPG' players, and would put in my all-time top 20 list.
Not because of nostalgia, but because it remains one of the most kick-ass games ever made.