Keith_I2: I could go to the bank and get a debit card and put something in the wallet. And YOU are still assuming... my brother did not use the game in any way. All he did was order it and left it up to me to download it with his account.
As I asked before, why didn't your brother buy gift codes with the money you gave him, then send you the codes to use on your account? That would work and be more easy to do than what you're doing now.
Also a request/suggestion: Try not to insult people too is not only somewhat rude, but it turns some people off wanting to help you/be nice to you & is somewhat frowned upon by the staff here.
Maxvorstadt: @Keith_12:
One question: Why didn`t you make an own account and let your brother simply gift the games to you?
He already has his own account, I believe.....and I asked him that same thing answer so far.
SirPrimalform: I kind of already assumed this was the case, but he's admitted that he isn't in the same household so that "concession" doesn't really apply here. He's just straight up sharing his brother's account, which isn't great.
I will likely get flak(not from you, I mean in general) for this, but: Imo the sharing thing should work in small families even if one lives in another residence.....because it's essentially still the same-ish number of people and they're still family.
That said, I think he and his brother should buy more copies to support the site if they are going to play the same game copies at the same(or so) time. SirPrimalform: I guess I'm wondering why he even made the account he's using here if he just downloads games from his brother's account? And why didn't his brother send him gift codes? The number of ridiculous things here, I am starting to be convinced by the suggestion that he's just a troll.
I asked the same thing earlier...why doesn't his brother just send him the gift codes for his games? :\