BreOl72: Sure.
Who knows, somewhere out there might exist a law that makes it illegal to hunt Dodos or Tyrannusaurus Rexes...but maybe we stay in the realm of rationality, huh?
Just for the sake of argument?
Think that would be possible?
Or have certain people in this forum actually reached a point, where it is impossible for them to make arguments grounded in rationality, anymore?
As usual, you have absolutely no idea what you're rambling about. Laws aren't grounded in what you call "rationality", they are grounded in social beliefs and cultural values. So when, for instance, a cameroonese law condemns a supposed sorcerer based on the accusation of a healer, it's still a law using impossible means to punish someone for impossible deeds. In a cultural context that defines the possible differently than yours, and within a rationality that is grounded on different premises. Still a societal, legal reality, as you'd find out if you had -like others have- actually spent ten years in jail for that.
But yeah, "for the sake of argument", let's not drift outside your familiar little world. You're aggressive when confused and easily confused.