anothername: Right now it appears to be more like the MS phones vs Apple & Samsung than any kind of big thread to either Steam or gog. gogs major audience is here for the DRM free. Not all, but I'm sure most. I don't believe MS even want to compete in that field. Independent, offline & DRM free use of Software is against what MS stands for.
And to compete against Steam... they would require several games created by God himself as exclusive titles for a long period of time. Kind of like the stunt Valve did when they made devs such as Firaxis or Bethesda their bitch; but that only worked out so good because they worked slowly towards it and at that point already had a massive fan community.
Their only current (and to other shops dangerous) advantage is the quick access from the OS; the success because of that depends on how much ppl they get from there that either do not care to look somewhere else or don't know other places (which might change after they get their steam key mailed after purchasing the first game in the MS shop :D ).
That all is if they go the fair route. I really hope gog & steam teams monitor every move MS does since I do not think dirty play is beneath them.
True, MS is fighting multiple big companies on multiple fronts (consoles, smartphones, operating systems, cloud, etc).
MS might play nice with Steam for now, but they may sing a different tune later. Especially since they have the means of pushing Windows App store as something like EA's Origin , Ubi Soft's Uplay.
They have done some funny business in the past. They bought Rare just to run them into the ground, and out of Nintendo's hands. Rare still produced a few good games but they didn't give MS killer apps in spades as people were expecting. For a while they were boasting about the "Kinect Sports games" -a total laughing stock in comparison to the games they used to make.
Though it seems now with KI & Rare's new IP, maybe MS is giving them another chance. But I digress.