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Depends. Will future Distros of Linux be more gamer friendly? Will publishers and developers make games more Linux friendly? Will the Steam machines coming out soon be any good? If the answer to all those questions is "no" then Windows 10 will be a threat to Steam and GOG. Time will tell. I think what Valve is doing is really smart BTW. They are trying to secure their future with these Steam machines. They are trying to make it so Steam will never become irrelevant. Because a lot of people will just buy a $500 Steam machine to play PC games instead of a more expensive gaming PC with Windows 10.
Post edited November 02, 2015 by monkeydelarge
Antimateria: I'm using win 7 and i haven't really seen why I should upgrade.
win 10 handles multiple displays much more comfortably than win 7.

that's a huge plus in my books.

other reason? not that special to be honest at least for user like me.
Johnathanamz: In a way isn't it a good thing that Microsoft's Windows Store is starting to become successful? Especially on Window 10?
A good thing for consumers. Yes. The more competition, the more attractive Steam, GOG and Origin will have to be to stay in business.
I'm using Windows 10, and I upgraded from 7. So guess who doesn't have a Microsoft account and never will?

Also, I've looked over the Windows 10 store in its current state and to put it neatly, it is a joke.
Post edited November 02, 2015 by Darvond
Johnathanamz: In a way isn't it a good thing that Microsoft's Windows Store is starting to become successful? Especially on Window 10?
heh. Nokia's store was more popular than Win 8. RIP.
Darvond: Also, I've looked over the Windows 10 store in its current state and to put it neatly, it is a joke.
Very true... but were talking about the future potential, not how it is right now. Once the bigger games start dropping hopefully the quality of stuff will start going up. Right now MS is just using Windows 8 crap which makes the store look like crap. I believe they did remove a butch of stuff though when switching to the Windows 10 store, so at-least there is less crap.
Antimateria: I'm using win 7 and i haven't really seen why I should upgrade.
lukaszthegreat: win 10 handles multiple displays much more comfortably than win 7.

that's a huge plus in my books.

other reason? not that special to be honest at least for user like me.
Yes, but Windows has had terrible support for that for as long as I can remember. It's improved, but it's rather embarrassing compared with the other options.

These days it's not so bad in absolute terms, but in relative terms it's quite far behind. I didn't really bother much with testing the 10 version, so hopefully things are better.
Maybe an American/Anglosphere thing?
I don't know anyone who owns a XBOX One, everyone has Playstations over here.
I know 3 people Who have Microsoft/Nokia Lumias, everyone else has either Samesung Galaxys, LG, Sony Z-series or iPhones. You can see it on the streets aswell.

What is the Xbox experience?
monkeydelarge: Depends. Will future Distros of Linux be more gamer friendly? Will publishers and developers make games more Linux friendly? Will the Steam machines coming out soon be any good? If the answer to all those questions is "no" then Windows 10 will be a threat to Steam and GOG. Time will tell. I think what Valve is doing is really smart BTW. They are trying to secure their future with these Steam machines. They are trying to make it so Steam will never become irrelevant. Because a lot of people will just buy a $500 Steam machine to play PC games instead of a more expensive gaming PC with Windows 10.
Valve is being very sneaky. They're hardly investing much resources into Steam Machines, they just working on SteamOS & Steam Controller. Instead, various vendors are taking the risk of manufacturing, assembling, and selling the hardware.

MS have done some major mistakes with Windows 10 (data slurping, mandatory updates, forcing to upgrade), and some people are either resisting the transition or turning to Linux and Mac. The way I see it, SteamOS will only worsen the situation further for MS, which might be why they want to make Windows 10 App store relevant to gamers.

It's probably more of a threat to Steam than GOG. GOG is the only one that embraces "DRM free", the other major players are either pro or neutral at best.

Also I can't see Steam or MS ditching DRM in the foreseeable future.
Post edited November 02, 2015 by Saberwolf_Prime
Right now it appears to be more like the MS phones vs Apple & Samsung than any kind of big thread to either Steam or gog. gogs major audience is here for the DRM free. Not all, but I'm sure most. I don't believe MS even want to compete in that field. Independent, offline & DRM free use of Software is against what MS stands for.

And to compete against Steam... they would require several games created by God himself as exclusive titles for a long period of time. Kind of like the stunt Valve did when they made devs such as Firaxis or Bethesda their bitch; but that only worked out so good because they worked slowly towards it and at that point already had a massive fan community.

Their only current (and to other shops dangerous) advantage is the quick access from the OS; the success because of that depends on how much ppl they get from there that either do not care to look somewhere else or don't know other places (which might change after they get their steam key mailed after purchasing the first game in the MS shop :D ).

That all is if they go the fair route. I really hope gog & steam teams monitor every move MS does since I do not think dirty play is beneath them.
I may be wrong but I cannot see the spyware called windows 10 being a threat to anyone. Would be a sad day if it ever was. Nothing good about it at all yet.

dick1982: i'll believe this shill if Google Play can get as big as Steam.
I'm fairly certain that Google Play already makes more revenue than Steam does. Perhaps not necessarily solely in games, but hey Valve does dabble in non-game software as well.

I think Windows 10 / Windows gaming storefront could be a big contender in the consumer gaming space, but it really needs to draw people in with value-added benefits (great social platform, perceived value in pricing/charity/bundles, excellent catalog, shared experience with mobile platforms, cataloging features, extensibility, lenient or basically non-existent DRM, etc) as opposed to forcing people into it as tends to be their modus operandi.
low rated
marklaur: I may be wrong but I cannot see the spyware called windows 10 being a threat to anyone. Would be a sad day if it ever was. Nothing good about it at all yet.

Stop calling Windows 10 spyware please. You can turn some of the privacy stuff off.

Windows 10 is growing right now over 110+ million PC's world wide have upgraded to Windows 10.

A total of 25+ million PC gamers have Windows 10 installed who are using Steam. I think as of the next Steam Hardware Survey, which should update tomorrow possibly 50+ million PC gamers will have Windows 10 installed.

Also Microsoft's Windows Store should be good for competition.
anothername: Right now it appears to be more like the MS phones vs Apple & Samsung than any kind of big thread to either Steam or gog. gogs major audience is here for the DRM free. Not all, but I'm sure most. I don't believe MS even want to compete in that field. Independent, offline & DRM free use of Software is against what MS stands for.

And to compete against Steam... they would require several games created by God himself as exclusive titles for a long period of time. Kind of like the stunt Valve did when they made devs such as Firaxis or Bethesda their bitch; but that only worked out so good because they worked slowly towards it and at that point already had a massive fan community.

Their only current (and to other shops dangerous) advantage is the quick access from the OS; the success because of that depends on how much ppl they get from there that either do not care to look somewhere else or don't know other places (which might change after they get their steam key mailed after purchasing the first game in the MS shop :D ).

That all is if they go the fair route. I really hope gog & steam teams monitor every move MS does since I do not think dirty play is beneath them.
True, MS is fighting multiple big companies on multiple fronts (consoles, smartphones, operating systems, cloud, etc).

MS might play nice with Steam for now, but they may sing a different tune later. Especially since they have the means of pushing Windows App store as something like EA's Origin , Ubi Soft's Uplay.

They have done some funny business in the past. They bought Rare just to run them into the ground, and out of Nintendo's hands. Rare still produced a few good games but they didn't give MS killer apps in spades as people were expecting. For a while they were boasting about the "Kinect Sports games" -a total laughing stock in comparison to the games they used to make.

Though it seems now with KI & Rare's new IP, maybe MS is giving them another chance. But I digress.
Post edited November 02, 2015 by Saberwolf_Prime
Once you have tat like Candy Crush Saga, you aren't going back easily.