MareSerenitis: Some thoughts from the ones I've played. May or may not be useful.
All the Master of Orions are good, except 3. Attempt no landings there.
All the civs are good. They're just different flavours of the same thing. 5 & 6 diverge a bit though (not in a bad way).
Alpha Centauri is one of the best games ever (imo), but holy hell is it not a good pick for your 1st 4x.
Sins of a Solar Empire Hybrid 4x/RTS that is entirely MP/skirmish. There is no campaign, just endless random matches.
Not a huge amount of depth, but what there is is reasonably engaging.
Very good for sitting back and watching
lots of ships pew each other, if you're so inclined.
Recommend getting the "Rebellion" DLC at minimum as it adds a substantial amount of content.
Heagemonia: Legions of Iron Another 4x/RTS hybrid but focusing on very small groups rather than huge armies.
Has a decent campaign, and an interesting approach to research.
Infamous for having a sound system bug that can randomly dump you out of the game.
Would still recommend despite this.
Distant Worlds A kind of weird hybrid of 4x/Grand Strat. Has appoximately a million details about everything, which initially sounds overwhelming.
It's fairly unique though, in that you can
fully automate every single part of the game if you like, and the AI will do a decent job of playing if you only want to concentrate on one or two things. Or just learn how things work.
Ship designer is good, but has a lot of superfluous data that can potentially be confusing.
There are multiple options for "stories" to be enabled at the start of the game which affect what appears in the galaxy etc.
The galaxy can be huge btw. Full of planets and moons all orbiting in realtime.
No MP option - pure single player.
Imo overpriced for what it is though, wait for a sale if interested.
Stars in Shadow An indie 4x in the spirit of MoO2, with a similar focus on small but highly specialised fleets and some much improved UI streamlining.
Currently a "slow burn" development with infrequent but substantive updates.
Has amazing soundtrack.
No MP option - pure single player.
Highly recommended.
Of those, I would suggest Stars in Shadow.
It's fairly simple so it shouldn't be too overwhelming, and it has enough depth in it to be fairly enagaing for a good while.
But it's also the cheapest by far. Last time I checked it was single figures cheap.
It has 1 DLC, but not having that will only lock out 1 choice for starting the game so you're not really missing anything
and will be able to evaluate it well enough as it stands.
I've heard of some of those, but haven't played any (obviously). I'll be adding them all to my wishlist but Stars in Shadow and Sins of a Solar Empire seem to be the ones I'd probably do best at, at least to start. A friendly, fellow GOG'er was kind enough to gift me a key to Civ3 so I'll definitely be trying it soon.
By the way, I really appreciate your in-depth, pros vs cons approach to your recommendations. It's very helpful!
Vendor-Lazarus: I agree fully with previous posters saying that there's a huge difference between GS and 4X.
I play 4X games, because GS only involves War and Politics as possibly victory conditions.
My own favorites are Distant Worlds Universe, Sword of the Stars 1, Space Empires IV and Imperium Galactica 2.
As for easy entries..Hmmm maybe some borderline ones.
Sins of a Solar Empire is an RT4X. A fast-paced RTS with light trappings of 4X.
Stellaris. A Grand Strategy game with trappings of a 4X.
Stars in Shadow is one of the few rare good remakes of MoO2 (Though MoO2 is overrated).
Master of Orion 3. Yes, I like it. It removes much of the micro-management and tedium..maybe too much.
My top recommendation would be Distant Worlds Universe though.
You can customize it to play itself, or you can choose to take care of only one or more aspects of the gameplay.. Or do it all. It fits everyone from beginner to expert.
Ohh, so THAT is the difference. I see my understanding of the two is way off haha. Thanks for the clarification!
All of those recommendations sound great! I'll look into them; I'm actually going to be playing Stellaris due to a free weekend event. Distant Worlds also sounds pretty much like the sort of thing I'd enjoy as a starter in the genre, for sure.
SirHandsome: Stars in Shadow is my favorite too. Not too complex, not too simple. Illustrated art assets and great music.
I really like the way it looks, they seemed to do a great job with the art style. I'll definitely be looking into that one sooner rather than later, I hope.
AWG43: Hi, JakobFel!
I would really recommend Civilization series as a grand introduction for 4X genre. My favorite Civs are 3 and 4, but I would suggest to try Civilization 5 first, because it is a best beginner friendly 4X game in my opinion.
Thea series might be fun too, but it's 4X elements are very limited.
I hope to get the whole Civ series someday and Thea looks really interesting, for sure!
BoxOfSnoo: I highly recommend Star Wars - Empire At War and Sword of the Stars. They're very good and they gently give you an introduction to the genre.
For a non-space game, I'd say start with Civ V for turn-based and Rome:Total War (the first one). It could be argued that Medieval:Total War is better but I found Rome easier to get into as a newb.
Oh, Empire at War has 4X/Grand Strategy elements? I own nearly every Star Wars game on PC with the exception of the X-Wing games (I only have Alliance and X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter that I got from Humble Trove) and I don't have a PC copy of Episode I: Racer. I'll definitely have to play EaW more, I only did the tutorial as I wanted to finish the campaigns of Galactic Battlegrounds first. I also have Rome: Total War on my Steam wishlist; I got Total War: Shogun 2 for free recently, is it similar?