Serren: I would be interested to know if this version includes the data files from the original so that you could play it using whatever engine or emulator you want. If not, I would have preferred a straight re-release of the original, even at the same price. Part of what I have a problem with is how they seem to be marketing this as though it were greatly enhanced over the originals. Had they done a proper upscale by redrawing everything, I would have paid a higher price for something like that.
Anyhow, I do hope you enjoy the game.
MarkoH01: As it has been said before (and I just checked it), it is pure Unity only. Therefore all files are encrypted and packed in assets and if it should even be possible to extract those it might be difficult at least to do so. So sorry to tell you that your wish is not coming true (would have been easy to prevent that from GOGs side by simply adding the original as a bonus - would have eliminated the problem of "purists" as well - but they did not).
Thank you - I surely will.
about the "(would have been easy to prevent that from GOGs side by simply adding the original as a bonus - would have eliminated the problem of "purists" as well - but they did not)."
A decent playable demo ( no alpha) is the answer, but they dont do that cause its a lot of work, time consuming , etc etc etc... this might be the reason why many devs use Unity :a click and play and drag and drop a game ...
Because of the demos we had ( in the old days) i bought the Jagged Alliance games, and many other classic old game, playing a decent demo from a cover cd, bought the game at release.
"But you can refund if you do not like the game for whatever reason" , is what everyone says, many times on Steam users say and even devs: "you can refund if you do not like the game"
no you cannot, things you have to do before you can apply for a refund ( anywhere on the net) even on steam ( with all the drm in the games), and i am not buying games to refund them , i buy to keep, but lack of a proper ( no alpha demos) ruins everything.
Anyway thats why i buy games on steam only if i know the dev makes good games, first i buy the game at a huge sales at 70% off :D then if the game is okay i buy the next at 50% off, thats the way,
thats how i got to buy the artifex games almost automatically at release ( 11.99 nowadays cause the price went up)