gamesfreak64: A decent playable demo ( no alpha) is the answer, but they dont do that cause its a lot of work, time consuming , etc etc etc... this might be the reason why many devs use Unity :a click and play and drag and drop a game ...
cal74: No offense meant but before writing such a statement have you even:
- have installed and opened Unity?
- have developed a small game using Unity?
- have developed a full game using Unity?
If you did, you would probably revise that judgement...
Unity is a cross-platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies, first announced and released in June 2005 at Apple Inc.'s Worldwide Developers Conference as an OS X-exclusive game engine. As of 2018, the engine has been extended to support 27 platforms. Wikipedia
:D :D :D
dont have to either...:
UNITY first announced and released in
June 2005 thats 13 years ago....
So there was , is now and always will be life
before and
after Unity
no Googling or searching online please:
Do you remember
Gary Kitchens Gamemaker ( c64)
S.E.U.C.K ( Shootemup construction kit) ? (C64 , Amiga and Atari ST)
Klik & Play ? (PC)
Blitz Basic (PC)
Gamemaker (PC)
DIV Games Studio (PC)
AMOS and AMOS pro (AMIGA) ( diskettes)
Blitzbasic (PC)
DIV games Studio (PC)
I had them all ٩◔‿◔۶ and nope no games, it takes too long , so if anyone really wanted to create games in the 80s-90s , i advised them to learn a proper language cause back then there was no Unity (°⌣°) so.... and the previous examples show that click n drag and play development does not work :D
Anyway you see i was young and willing to learn and spend too much time and money on it , now i 'm old and want to play games preferably no unity games cause i'd be spending most of the time sending mails or chatting in the support forums ' begging' to make the unity games ( i paid for) run on my pc, the fun thing is , many times they have set their min req. too low ( mostly at steam) seems they do not know their own game .... (︶︹︺)
Thats about it i guess .... feel free to reply, i but have explained everything already, and were not in court, and i'm not on trial nor out on bail (°⌣°)
edit: i had to block ALL unity exe files cause they all seem to collect info, info they do not need and they did not ask my permission for.
In the local files on the c drive there are many logs showing the user login in the windows? they do NOT need to know that... anyway i blocked the exes but if the .dll the unityplayer.dll is the one sending then it cannot be blocked, firewall does not have option to block in and outgoing files other than . exe
A Unity filter on Steam would be nice , would allow me and more users ,(seems more users do not like unity that much) to filter and hide all of them, that would save me 3 hours browsing the games : (°⌣°)