Posted November 08, 2017

Ensemble Studios, Lionhead Studios, Bungie, who decided to give up their baby Halo to get away from them, Rare - the only thing more rare than the studio's name is the last time they made a great game (we'll see about Sea of Thieves, if it ever comes out). They had Epic making Gears of War as an exclusive and Epic walked away from Microsoft like Bungie and decided a great IP wasn't worth keeping if it meant sticking with MS.
And when they sign great developers to make an IP they pull the plug all the time. Obsidian was making an XBoxOne exclusive RPG (Stormlands) that MS killed and almost sunk the company. Platinum was making the only truly original and interesting XBone game they showed off in Scalebound and MS killed that. Level 5 (developers of Dragon Quest 8 and 9, Dark Cloud 1 and 2, creators and developers of Jeanne D'Arc, Professor Layton, Yo-kai Watch, Rogue Galaxy, Fantasy Life and the Ni No Kuni series) had their MMO True Fantasy Live Online killed. They stopped being the publisher for the Blue Dragon series (which had a lot of great reviews to go with some average ones from some western outlets - it seemed to be a matter of taste in the west if the review liked JRPGs or not), but they never stick with anything to build up.
It's almost a wonder why MS has no XBox180 exclusives other than Halo and Forza.
There is also the case of letting a beloved dev. finish a game and take a loss for the huge amount of free PR it nets you....COUGHThe Last GuardianCOUGH.
Oh and you forgot to mention the Xbox has had FINISHED Japanese exclusives they don't translate and publish here or just don't publish. "Every Party" is a "Mario Party" clone that has an English language option in the Asian edition. The others that weren't translated by MS are "Magatama", "Phantom Dust", "Have A Mice Life" aka "Sneakers", "Ninety-Nine Knights 2", "N.U.D.E.(Natural Ultimate Digital Experiment) and there may be more MS of Japan published(not positive about. 99N's 2). Honorable mention goes to SMT IX as I heard MS nagged them for a MegaTen game and it's exclusive.