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tinyE: Thank god I finally got around to buying TL 2 here.
hedwards: Why? If you go to the runic site they've got a deal worked out with GOG to give away free copies for anybody that originally bought through them. I just claimed my copy here. Or over at Humble if you bought more recently.
Well, even though I have paid twice for both games, they are so good I didn't mind (especially because I got both on sale at GoG), but does this mean I have to uninstall my current TL2 and redownload and install from GoG? I am not sure why as the game hasn't had any updates in a while now and still runs fine for me.
Starmaker: Lol, you're one of them gators, whan happened to not bringing politics into art?

Runic devs are better people, but Rime is a much better game. I bought Hob at the earliest opportunity, tried playing it and ragequit after the tutorial. Now that Runic is closed, my post can't hurt them financially, so calm your tits.
CharlesGrey: That you, as you put it yourself, "ragequit after the tutorial" tells more about yourself rather than the quality of the game. Not sure what kind of problem you had with it, but Hob is a good game. According to Steam ratings and Metacritic, Rime and Hob were about equally well received, so it mostly comes down to personal preferences. ( And at that point, the price as well as the behavior of the devs/publisher could be a factor. )
tinyE: not a real word
CharlesGrey: But you're from the US -- you're not in a position to judge what is or isn't a proper English word. :P
As an American I nearly spat my coffee at my monitor I was laughing so hard!
AlienMind: Releasing a free to play game (Gigantic) exclusively on Windows 10 store.
Barefoot_Monkey: Gigantic isn't exclusive to Windows 10 store. It's also on Steam and Arc, and runs on anything from Windows 7 and up.
It was at release, which I said.
Post edited November 06, 2017 by AlienMind
AlienMind: It was at release, which I said.
Ah, thanks for clarifying
hedwards: Why? If you go to the runic site they've got a deal worked out with GOG to give away free copies for anybody that originally bought through them. I just claimed my copy here. Or over at Humble if you bought more recently.
tinyE: Hmmm, I wish I'd known that before. :P

Oh well, I'll live.
I only found out about that because I couldn't remember where I'd downloaded my copy.
Gurlok: [...] To whom the money would go, should I buy HOB now?
Since GOG still lists "Runic Games Inc." I would assume that Runic is shutting down as a development studio but the company as a legal and economical construct still remains. Runic is a subsidiary company of Perfect World. So the most likely scenario seems that your money will go to the company who made the decision to close Runic down.
Gurlok: [...]
To whom the money would go, should I buy HOB now?
to the same people as before - Perfect World Entertainment. That has not changed.
Gurlok: [...]
To whom the money would go, should I buy HOB now?
amok: to the same people as before - Perfect World Entertainment. That has not changed.
So no money to runic games, uh? Now I don't know what to do anymore :/ . If only we could pay the game directly to them...

Nice article.
That's very sad.

I'm playin Hob right now and this game is really full of wonders. You guys did a great job. Good luck for the future.

By the way the article on kotaku is great.
Post edited November 07, 2017 by Arndriel
Activision and EA get a lot of heat (a bunch deserved for killing studios), but Microsoft is the king of the heap in this regard.

Ensemble Studios, Lionhead Studios, Bungie, who decided to give up their baby Halo to get away from them, Rare - the only thing more rare than the studio's name is the last time they made a great game (we'll see about Sea of Thieves, if it ever comes out). They had Epic making Gears of War as an exclusive and Epic walked away from Microsoft like Bungie and decided a great IP wasn't worth keeping if it meant sticking with MS.

And when they sign great developers to make an IP they pull the plug all the time. Obsidian was making an XBoxOne exclusive RPG (Stormlands) that MS killed and almost sunk the company. Platinum was making the only truly original and interesting XBone game they showed off in Scalebound and MS killed that. Level 5 (developers of Dragon Quest 8 and 9, Dark Cloud 1 and 2, creators and developers of Jeanne D'Arc, Professor Layton, Yo-kai Watch, Rogue Galaxy, Fantasy Life and the Ni No Kuni series) had their MMO True Fantasy Live Online killed. They stopped being the publisher for the Blue Dragon series (which had a lot of great reviews to go with some average ones from some western outlets - it seemed to be a matter of taste in the west if the review liked JRPGs or not), but they never stick with anything to build up.

It's almost a wonder why MS has no XBox180 exclusives other than Halo and Forza.
Post edited November 08, 2017 by MajicMan
amok: to the same people as before - Perfect World Entertainment. That has not changed.
Gurlok: So no money to runic games, uh? Now I don't know what to do anymore :/ . If only we could pay the game directly to them...
Wait until it's heavily discounted or acquire the game through other means, then use the money you saved to support whatever project the ex-Runic devs will come up with next.
amok: to the same people as before - Perfect World Entertainment. That has not changed.
Gurlok: So no money to runic games, uh? Now I don't know what to do anymore :/ . If only we could pay the game directly to them...
it would not have got there anyway. or more correctly, the developers got salary when making the game, and Perfect World Entertainment would then get the profits after sale. it's kind of how it works when you get bought up.

edit - basically, this has not changed anything in this regard

edit II - or another way to see it, Runic already got paid for the game. so the correct way to put it would be " So no more money to runic games, uh?" (as they no longer draw any salary, nor get any potential bonuses)

edit III - and frankly, it would still be hypocritical NOT paying for the game (the "other means" option) due to this, as in the end this was Runic's choice and Perfect World Entertainment did make the game happen. They did after all finance its creation and took the risk for it.
Post edited November 08, 2017 by amok
MajicMan: Activision and EA get a lot of heat (a bunch deserved for killing studios), but Microsoft is the king of the heap in this regard.

Ensemble Studios, Lionhead Studios, Bungie, who decided to give up their baby Halo to get away from them, Rare - the only thing more rare than the studio's name is the last time they made a great game (we'll see about Sea of Thieves, if it ever comes out). They had Epic making Gears of War as an exclusive and Epic walked away from Microsoft like Bungie and decided a great IP wasn't worth keeping if it meant sticking with MS.

And when they sign great developers to make an IP they pull the plug all the time. Obsidian was making an XBoxOne exclusive RPG (Stormlands) that MS killed and almost sunk the company. Platinum was making the only truly original and interesting XBone game they showed off in Scalebound and MS killed that. Level 5 (developers of Dragon Quest 8 and 9, Dark Cloud 1 and 2, creators and developers of Jeanne D'Arc, Professor Layton, Yo-kai Watch, Rogue Galaxy, Fantasy Life and the Ni No Kuni series) had their MMO True Fantasy Live Online killed. They stopped being the publisher for the Blue Dragon series (which had a lot of great reviews to go with some average ones from some western outlets - it seemed to be a matter of taste in the west if the review liked JRPGs or not), but they never stick with anything to build up.

It's almost a wonder why MS has no XBox180 exclusives other than Halo and Forza.
^So much this, still feeling hurt for scalebound, even more so since it would have been available for PC aswell.

Gurlok: So no money to runic games, uh? Now I don't know what to do anymore :/ . If only we could pay the game directly to them...
CharlesGrey: Wait until it's heavily discounted or acquire the game through other means, then use the money you saved to support whatever project the ex-Runic devs will come up with next.
Yeah, I'll probably do so.
This is a really nice farewell message. Seems to be passionate guys (and girls if there were any).