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So far:

Shadows: Awakening – Necrophage’s Curse
Kerbal Space Program: Breaking Ground
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Beneath The Stolen Lands
Kerbal Space Program: Making History

There are several others on my radar, but not sure yet if I want to grab them. I've already got more games than I'll ever need or have time to play before I shuffle off this mortal coil.
Aramandur: Cyberpunk 2077, of course.
Now's your chance.

I got lots and lots. This is the first big sale in a long time I've felt compelled to spend a bit on. I think its because of the bundles. They seem like quite good deals if you're interested and don't own any of the games already. I think I spent about as much as I did during my first winter sale here (several of those games still sit on my shelf unplayed, hopefully these won't stay that way).

Into the Breach
Call of Juarez
Cosmic Star Heroine
Bioshock Infinite
the 5 x-com games
Tower of Time
Project Eden
To the Moon
Gorky 17
Fear Effect Sedna
The Soul Reaver games with French language to replace my discs, beside Blood Omen 2 i already had here and still lacking translation.

Syberia 3 - The Complete Journey that was at a great discount, 6.99 euros iirc.
Post edited June 11, 2019 by koima57
Bought today/yesterday:

Geneforge saga and original Avernum games(to support Jeff/spiderweb and enjoy them)

Technobabylon/Resonance/Shardlight(To support Wadjet Eye)

Stasis/deluxe(Bought standard and the upgrade as it is cheaper for me to do it that way)

Sin GOLD(great game)
Cornerstone: The Song of Tyrm (daily deal)
Project Zomboid (daily deal)
Dungeon Souls
Battlevoid: Harbinger
Fear Effect: Sedna
Pharaonic (daily deal)
Vikings: Wolves of Midgard (daily deal)
Sundered: Eldrich Edition
Bioshock Infinite
Chuchel (daily deal)
The Metronomicon + DLC
Odbuction (free)

Might get the two Beamdog D&D remasters I'm missing if I have the budget and the daily deals continue to be less exciting this week.
Post edited June 11, 2019 by undeadcow
I picked up The Ultimate Doom and X-COM: Terror From the Deep for some nostalgic good times. I had been hoping the Telltale catalog would last until the summer sale, oh well.
Summer Sale games I bought so far:

Bastion & Bastion OST

Transistor & Transistor OST
Recently returned home from a 3+ month long hospital and rehab stay. Realized how much I missed (Obduction :'( ) and saw a few things that said "Buy us". Those things were:

Blood: Fresh Supply - which I could have got a discount on, were I not released 1 friggin' day after the 50% OUWB offer expired! ARGH!
Bioshock Infinite
Jazz Jackrabbit Collection
Jazz Jackrabbit 2

Then I went and dumped a bit of money in a few other places.
dm36: This sale I picked up:

Obduction (freebie)
Heroes of Might and Magic
Heroes of Might and Magic 2: Gold
Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Complete
Heroes of Might and Magic 4: Complete
Heroes of Might and Magic V: Bundle
Crusaders of Might and Magic
Hero Chronicles: All Chapters
The Humans Bundle
Rage of Mages
Rages of Mages II: Necromancer
Evil Islands
Robo Rumble
Spellcasting 1+2+3
Soldier of Fortune: Platinum Edition
Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix - Gold Edition
Soldier of Fortune: Payback

Lot of older stuff mainly.
Adding some more

Mission Critical
Battle Isle: Platinum
Battle Isle: The Andosia War
Gangsters: Organized Crime
Project Eden
Alien Breed + Tower Assault
Black Moon Chronicles
Archimedean Dynasty
Shadow Watch
Jazz Jackrabbit Collection
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Collection
Wished for more but this is what i got:

Capitalism Plus
Pinball Gold Pack
Pinball World
Galactic Assault: Prisoner of Power
Fear Effect: Sedna
Wings of Prey: Special Edition
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die - Season One
Triple Town
Ground Control Anthology
Lords of Magic: Special Edition
Lords of the Realm: Royal Edition
Ground Control 2: Operation Exodus Special Edition
Empire Earth 2 Gold Edition
Celestian Tales: Old North
Evil Islands

Also big thanks to Cyan and GOG team for Obduction freebie.
I got the Pajama Sam Vol. 1 code. ;)
Baldur's Gate 1-2
Forgotten Realms Archive 1-3
Jazz Jackrabbit 1-2
Anvil of dawn
Star Trek 25th anniversary
Star Trek Judgement Rites
Redneck Rampage
Shadow Warrior Classic Redux
Raiden IV: Overkill
Tempted by:
Warlords Battlecry 2
Sid Meier's Covert Action
Sword of the Samurai
Stronghold Crusader HD
Spycraft: the Great Game

What I actually bought:
Warlords Battlecry 2 XD
Imperium Galactica II: Alliances
Age of Civilizations II
Avernum 3: Ruined World