Pond86: I know your not talking to me, but I wanted to say its nice to get the gist of what your saying and to see you back.
Also i'm the same with my friends and family. For example i'll say GOG is having a sale and i'll get a oh or meh back. They never look at the sale. It kinda makes me sad that I can't game talk tbh.
Fairfox: :) I talk to anyone! I mean... if they're n
ice. If they're a jerk, welp ;P
Sometimes I feel like a weirdo-freak. To be honest, in my life, I take too many drugs, I drink too much alcohol, but I'm young, I'm silly—as are my friends—and while I enjoy it I can feel a little... mmm... ostracized from a few. But it ain't naaazin' compared to tryin' to talk games! Nobody I know gives a poop. It's fair enough, fo' sho', buuuut I feel like an oddball. Is that a word?
Oddball is indeed a word...heck even some net slang are words now, according to the print dictionaries.
As for game talk, to me it's like movie talk was likely like to people when films started out......older people set in their ways just won't "get" it or want to bother with newer stuff.
GameRager: but that's mainly due to my shy introverted nature and various phobias.
Fairfox: you only live once, m'dude. I'm so teh opposite. I don't care what peeps think; often to my uuuuh detriment. But really, you have one life. Don't waste it on asswipes!
GameRager: As for typing normal....it wasn't the silly typing/replies that bothered me a bit(in general...some were good if they were kind of ontopic), but the more nonsensical replies in various threads.
Fairfox: Gotta look deeper, is all. Ooooh... ;)
1. True, but my phobias make it hard to socialize/go out much even if I wanted to. :\
2. When you talk mostly nonsensical don;t expect me to bust out my sherlock hat/coat while i'm on 7 sites and fielding multiple replies. ;D