catpower1980: ...
Long dev answer: And while I'm at it, just 2 weeks ago, we had the Firewatch drama where someone completed the game and refunded it. "Lenghty" (by internet standards) reply from a dev: So, comments? ...
Thanks for sharing.
To Brigador: They should ask for the $20. Everything below is just giving their work for away below value. It's worth it. And especially convincing is their argument that everyone who feels it's not worth that much can buy later during a sale. That is absolutely fair.
However it may be they won't sell the required 25.000 copies because ... even if the game is good, competition might be too strong and interest too low. I can only judge for myself but I would not buy it because I'm not interested in the genre.
The humour (things you can do in 5 years, things that are priced higher than $20) in the post is great and make me sympathizing with the dev, but unfortunately they make the wrong kind of games for me. But I voted on the
wishlist here, so it may also come to GOG as token of support.
To Refund dilemma of Undercover Fish: OMG, OMG, OMG
This is probably a good example of how it shouldn't be. This guy is seriously on the wrong track and with this attitude an economy could not work. But I guess he (or she?) is still a kid and still has lots to learn.
"So this game was 18$. I purchased it because i enjoyed games like this. And I enjoyed this game. Alot. Like, way more than a healthy amount. But it was 2-3 hours. I feel like there could of been more, and im thinking of refunding. But here is my problem: I loved this game. It was a unique game with awesome narration and storytelling. I like the developers. I mean seriously, have you seen how active they are on theese forums? What other dev is that connected to their community? I want to support the developers, but there was so much more i could of got with my 18$. Should i refund, or hold on to it?"