StingingVelvet: Same old arguments from the same old people. No one's changing their minds, tribal warfare is a helluva drug.
Game journalism is mostly crap because: A) Most of it is written by job starved college grads working for nothing, and B) the way websites make money is getting you to click and share their articles, and they know you do it when the headline annoys you or backs up your biases.
B-b-b-b-but if you complain, scream and cry like a baby the other side will be forced to cave in and change their ways. If you don't like something, nobody should be able to enjoy it. It's only fair!
Screw the power of the market and buying things you enjoy so that more of it will be produced, if you don't like something it's your right to have it altered or purged from the face of the earth. Because, feeelz!
And yeah, journos are submitting tribal drama garbage because that's what people are interested in. If it's garbage we want to read, then we will be supplied with garbage. They don't care if you read it out of spite or not, a click is a click.
The most hilarious dynamic in this is the trickle-down-garbagenomics where Youtubers catch the breadcrumbs falling off the table so they can make money off it as well while pretending to be outraged. I bet they are outraged all the way to the bank alright.