Leroux: Or that both are just silly outrage culture?
Dunno how you intended this bit, but it sounds like you're saying that all or most outrage is pointless and not worthwhile to do.
(If you could clarify this point and confirm or deny my suppositions it'd be appreciated)
Leroux: And to those who have a problem with "politics in games" (be it in general or those who challenge their own beliefs, on both sides), are you in favor of censorship? Would you be happy if TLOU2 was "fixed" by removing the parts that you deem controversial, just as, say, the allegedly problematic color was removed from Chuchel? Did you protest against Hatred just as much as you protest against TLOU2?
I think it shouldn't be censored, but that they should be honest and tell people(maybe via markings on the box or something else like a statement) what they added and why.
Leroux: Or did you deem those protest overblown and silly, did you think the devs had no agenda whatsoever, that it's apolitical, and that everyone disliking it could just go play something else?
I disagree that they had no agenda, though....be it financial or to push a message, it(to me) is obvious they didn't just add it in to flavor the story....else we could say ALL or most such stuff added to media is done for the same reasons, at the same period in time, and it's all one big coincidence.
I do agree people should play something else if they want to and dislike this game(for some reason), though.
Leroux: And if anyone fears that certain agendas about diversity or sexual identity being pushed in games might have an effect on the easily influenced, like gamerager put it, does the same apply to games centered on the idea of violence as a solution, depicting guns as sexy to the "easily influenced"? Do they need a warning sign that pacifists might disagree with the ideas contained within? Should D&D games get a warning label for extremely religious gamers who might be offended by the pagan pantheon and hellspawns found within? Etc. Where to start, where to stop?
We already do put warnings on the box for violence and such in games, and some countries put other disclaimer for such already(afaik).
Also in many such games it is obvious those things(hell spawn, shooting, etc) are in the game and why they're there(for entertainment mostly)...not usually so for messaging of any type added into such games.