Posted May 30, 2020

Major Blockhead
Registered: Apr 2010
From Germany

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted May 30, 2020

Like, say, if there was some anti-feminist muslim massacre game depicting all democrats as evil bigots, you most probably wouldn't just say "So what? it is just a game, I don't care if it tries to push some political agenda. Games are art and are supposed to provoke and challenge your beliefs. Be more open-minded."
(Just a side-note: I am not talking about "liberals" because at least here the so-called "liberals" are actually the most anti-liberal, when it comes to wanting more legislation that controls what we are allowed to say and think.)
Also, to me it seems that usually the real point of such provocation is not really trying to make others think and challenge their own beliefs, but merely to annoy and hurt. Like, when you say above "Anything that provokes sheltered white nerds is MUH BIASED POLITICAL AGENDA FOR DEM EVIL SJW", was your motive really just to make people think and go like "Oh yeah, that person has a good point, hmm, never thought about that, maybe I should adjust my own beliefs?".
Of course not, your point was just to vent and show your anger towards your political adversaries.
Simlarly, I don't think the point of this (unreleased?) game was to make people think, but mainly to just annoy feminists and SJWs:
Post edited May 30, 2020 by timppu

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted May 30, 2020

One where this worked IMHO was one of the greatest movies of all time, Boondock Saints. Now I have no idea what the LGBTGHUIEAASSAASA community thought about the Willem Dafoe's detective character (Paul Smecker) which was the coolest character in the movie, and was revealed in one scene to be gay.
It was just one humorous scene that revealed it, and it wasn't made into some kind of central message or theme in the movie. It just was what it was, the coolest person in the movie just happening to be gay. There was also some real (humorous) point to the scene where it was revealed. Of course, I am not sure if some considered the scene offending:
[after Smecker gets a phone call in bed with his gay lover and slaps him]
Paul Smecker: What are you doing?
Hojo: I just wanted to cuddle.
Paul Smecker: Cuddle? What a fag.
Post edited May 30, 2020 by timppu

There is No Planet B.
Registered: Jul 2012
From Finland
Posted May 30, 2020

If you want for instance a gay person on a team IMO you can do it in two ways: Either it turns out some day they are gay, and it's no big deal, or you confront it, make a story out of it. In the first case you create a reality how it should be. Being gay is perfectly normal. Nothing to see, move along. The other way you can tell of the difficulties minorities deal with.

I don't even know what this means.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Spain
Posted May 30, 2020
high rated
There's a ton of talented writers out there, and content creators in general, that don't get the attention they deserve. I get it, highlighting things you dislike is easier than things you do, but the fact is hate clicks are common currency, hence the trade in lies, sensationalism and twisting of info to twist a narrative that will garner more clicks.
The best thing you can do is not react, don't spend your time feverishly posting about it and never post harassment their way. Instead, highlight the video game content creators you enjoy, be it written, audio or visual. Fighting fire only leads to more things being burnt. So fight fire with a cuppa and a moment to share the stuff you enjoy.
The best thing you can do is not react, don't spend your time feverishly posting about it and never post harassment their way. Instead, highlight the video game content creators you enjoy, be it written, audio or visual. Fighting fire only leads to more things being burnt. So fight fire with a cuppa and a moment to share the stuff you enjoy.

There is No Planet B.
Registered: Jul 2012
From Finland
Posted May 30, 2020

Writers write what they know, and the stories are a reflection of present day society to a degree. If that upsets some people, so be it. Nothing will change their minds likely, certainly not a discussion on a vidya gaming forum.
Let them get triggered by diversity in entertainment goods. I'm gonna enjoy my cuppa (to borrow a britishism).

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From Switzerland
Posted May 30, 2020
high rated
Well, I can only speak for myself (white, hereosexual female) of course, but the obvious pandering of political views in recent years has caused me to abstain from consuming the media (be it movies, TV-shows or games).
I absolutely loved the Cosby Show on TV as a young adult. Did I even realise that the Cosby Family was black, or did it even matter? No it absolutely didn't because the show wasn't about a "black" family and how much they suffered from all the evil white people. Instead it was a show about the Cosby Family and their interactions with all kinds of different people. And movies like Amistad were great, it is well shot and it depicts slavery in a very direct and open way.
However, in the last 15 years me viewing new movies or playing new games has decreased because of the blatant pandering of political topics like "diversity", just because I am not interested in "diversity" as a topic, AND because it is showed down our throats without ANY consideration about the actual topic of source material, the movie or the story being told. If anything, I watch them for free (or not at all), and in the case of games I just don't play them.
To give an example of when for example the topic of "diversity" it is blatant pandering that drives me to not pay for those media afterward, versus when it is just a part of a good story and not a "if you are viewing this and happen to have the wrong race (white) or wrong sex (male) or wrong sexual orientation (heterosexual) then you have to feel guilty and bad while watching this even though you yourself has absolutely no connection what-so-ever to the subject of pandering". The examples are both from the MCU-universe:
Diversity in Guardians of the Galaxy, vs. diversity in Thor and all the other MCU movies where Asgard is depicted:
Guardians of the Galaxy:
Natural promotion of the topic diversiy: Tell a story about a couple of misfits from as-diverse-as-you-can-get backgrounds and how the bond together overtime, to achieve a common goal. Best advocating of diversity ever, without openly discriminating or offending a part of the possible viewer base.
Thor and other movies:
Making the Viking Heaven Asgard (which by the way is a several thousand years old mythological concept imagined by people who didn't even know that black people existed, and not a Stan Lee invention from the 60s') "diverse" which
A) does absolutely nothing to improve or add to the story except of the political pandering. Really absolut nothing, not even the inclusion of a superb and sexy actor like Idris Elba can gloss over this fact.
B) may or may not insult/offend those people in Scandinavia which actually still pray to the old Viking gods (apparently they still exist as a minority, I am not one of them), because it shows a mind blowing disregard for the source material. But hey, who cares....
C) then gets actually openly discriminating, when later on Wakanda (which IS a Stan Lee invention of the 60's) is of course depicted as not in the slightest bit diverse, because according to the panderers only one single race has absolute no right to be amongst themselves and have their own unique (and thousands of years old) culture.
D) tops it all up by turning the god Thor (which would have otherwise been one of the most powerful avengers if not the most powerful one) into a fat, alcoholic slob handing over his hammer to a female poc sidekick. Again a move that not only does absolutely nothing to help or improve or even add something to the story, but would also not be possible according to the norse mythology.
My reaction to this kind of pandering on the back of part of their viewer/player base (aka the people they expect to pay them); I will not spend my money on games or movies that do it. Just simple.
Ah, and as a female I have to add: I absolutely hate Mary-Sues!!! Yes, I said it. I actually once stop reading a book because I got so annoyed about the single female protagonist, who appartenly invented everything from the wheel to the needle to the concept of biology herself (that was just the first quarter of the book, I just coudn't read on from there....).
I absolutely loved the Cosby Show on TV as a young adult. Did I even realise that the Cosby Family was black, or did it even matter? No it absolutely didn't because the show wasn't about a "black" family and how much they suffered from all the evil white people. Instead it was a show about the Cosby Family and their interactions with all kinds of different people. And movies like Amistad were great, it is well shot and it depicts slavery in a very direct and open way.
However, in the last 15 years me viewing new movies or playing new games has decreased because of the blatant pandering of political topics like "diversity", just because I am not interested in "diversity" as a topic, AND because it is showed down our throats without ANY consideration about the actual topic of source material, the movie or the story being told. If anything, I watch them for free (or not at all), and in the case of games I just don't play them.
To give an example of when for example the topic of "diversity" it is blatant pandering that drives me to not pay for those media afterward, versus when it is just a part of a good story and not a "if you are viewing this and happen to have the wrong race (white) or wrong sex (male) or wrong sexual orientation (heterosexual) then you have to feel guilty and bad while watching this even though you yourself has absolutely no connection what-so-ever to the subject of pandering". The examples are both from the MCU-universe:
Diversity in Guardians of the Galaxy, vs. diversity in Thor and all the other MCU movies where Asgard is depicted:
Guardians of the Galaxy:
Natural promotion of the topic diversiy: Tell a story about a couple of misfits from as-diverse-as-you-can-get backgrounds and how the bond together overtime, to achieve a common goal. Best advocating of diversity ever, without openly discriminating or offending a part of the possible viewer base.
Thor and other movies:
Making the Viking Heaven Asgard (which by the way is a several thousand years old mythological concept imagined by people who didn't even know that black people existed, and not a Stan Lee invention from the 60s') "diverse" which
A) does absolutely nothing to improve or add to the story except of the political pandering. Really absolut nothing, not even the inclusion of a superb and sexy actor like Idris Elba can gloss over this fact.
B) may or may not insult/offend those people in Scandinavia which actually still pray to the old Viking gods (apparently they still exist as a minority, I am not one of them), because it shows a mind blowing disregard for the source material. But hey, who cares....
C) then gets actually openly discriminating, when later on Wakanda (which IS a Stan Lee invention of the 60's) is of course depicted as not in the slightest bit diverse, because according to the panderers only one single race has absolute no right to be amongst themselves and have their own unique (and thousands of years old) culture.
D) tops it all up by turning the god Thor (which would have otherwise been one of the most powerful avengers if not the most powerful one) into a fat, alcoholic slob handing over his hammer to a female poc sidekick. Again a move that not only does absolutely nothing to help or improve or even add something to the story, but would also not be possible according to the norse mythology.
My reaction to this kind of pandering on the back of part of their viewer/player base (aka the people they expect to pay them); I will not spend my money on games or movies that do it. Just simple.
Ah, and as a female I have to add: I absolutely hate Mary-Sues!!! Yes, I said it. I actually once stop reading a book because I got so annoyed about the single female protagonist, who appartenly invented everything from the wheel to the needle to the concept of biology herself (that was just the first quarter of the book, I just coudn't read on from there....).
Post edited May 30, 2020 by aufisch

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted May 30, 2020

Same with rest of Europe at the time, there where inter-marriages between for example English, French, Italian and Spanish families. Some of the Spanish and Italian were black, as they had descendants from Africa. And off course, vikings did go there as well.
(disclaimer, I come from Norway, and have always had an interest in norse mythology and viking history. to be honest, making a god black is not the worst offence marvel has done to Norse mythology....)
Post edited May 30, 2020 by amok

There is No Planet B.
Registered: Jul 2012
From Finland
Posted May 30, 2020

Making the Viking Heaven Asgard (which by the way is a several thousand years old mythological concept imagined by people who didn't even know that black people existed, and not a Stan Lee invention from the 60s') "diverse" which
A) does absolutely nothing to improve or add to the story except of the political pandering. Really absolut nothing, not even the inclusion of a superb and sexy actor like Idris Elba can gloss over this fact.
B) may or may not insult/offend those people in Scandinavia which actually still pray to the old Viking gods (apparently they still exist as a minority, I am not one of them), because it shows a mind blowing disregard for the source material. But hey, who cares....

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From Switzerland
Posted May 30, 2020
Yea, in the later years but not in the beginning. It took them some time to go that far south and they brought their already established mythology with them. And inter-marriages were so rare (at least for non-coastal Spanish people), that people in the medieval middle-europe actually believed that a cross between white black would result in a black-and-white patterned person (Parsifal).
Post edited May 30, 2020 by aufisch

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From Switzerland
Posted May 30, 2020
high rated
No, it wasn't of course. But is was the only one with a blatant political agenda. And this isn't about Heimdall, all of Asgard was depicted as diverse.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted May 30, 2020
low rated
I don't think you understood my point. It's that it shouldn't matter in the first place if the Vulkan guy happens to be black - maybe the best actor for the job happened to be black, maybe the point was to show that minor variation in subspecies i.e. race also occurs on other planets. At the end of the day, they are free to write that in without fear of the anti-SJW crowd shouting 'AGENDA!' and boycotting the show.
The point should be that that likely added that character to appeal to certain individuals and sell more copies(via streaming and such)....yet some don't seem to get that most creators do it to pander to them for money, not to be nice cuz it's the right thing to do. It means your(to me) uneducated talking points I quoted seemed to be the stuff people from that forum/site would post without thinking.
There is No Planet B.
Registered: Jul 2012
From Finland
Posted May 30, 2020
low rated

Sorry for repeating myself, but do you know what I mean? You're arguing about the non-factual/mythological accuracy of a fictional fantasy story, no less based on a comic book. That's just... well, a bit silly. They could make Asgardians teenage mutant ninja turtles, and they would still be in their right to do so. It would be a bit silly, and we'd have to invent new terms for diversity, but it still wouldn't make it right to censor fantasy writers.

wtf man. what's your damage?
How are they 'uneducated'? Seems to me they're more enlightened than the anti-equality crowd's, in 2020.
Post edited May 30, 2020 by rojimboo

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted May 30, 2020
low rated
I think this is the best advice anyone could give in this discussion. These largely ideological viewpoints between SJWism and anti-diversity/equality/SJWism, are too often argued super confrontationally. Probably because these things matter, at least to one side.
Writers write what they know, and the stories are a reflection of present day society to a degree
(Forget exact examples atm due to poor memory, but I could go look some up maybe if you want)
If that upsets some people, so be it. Nothing will change their minds likely, certainly not a discussion on a vidya gaming forum.
And can't speak for others, but I am willing to change my mind on things if someone provides a compelling "argument" with good reasoning.
Let them get triggered by diversity in entertainment goods. I'm gonna enjoy my cuppa (to borrow a britishism).
Your prior(itt) stereotyping of those who dislike some such pandering and using certain disparaging terms to belittle such people, for one.
(Sidenote: I recall how you seemingly got offended[perhaps rightly so in your mind] by what I said that one time, yet you seem to have no problem lumping all those who dislike such forceful inserting of messaging of a certain type into media under one banner...seemingly not realizing how it could be seen as offensive)
What anti-equality crowd? Most groups are more or less equal in the first world, at least, and only a few fringe people actually gold such vile stances as you seem to think more do....yet you seemingly paint a good number of those who dislike the pandering in media with one broad brush.
Post edited May 30, 2020 by GameRager