rojimboo: Care to provide a relevant vidya gaming example? Does this sort of thing happen often, as you portray it to be an issue?
Might be spoilers: The Last of Us 2 leaks, and how the bad guys are all christian religious white people and the protag or one of the characters fighting them is a trans character.
There are others, but as I have IRL memory issues i'd need to compile a list and it'd take some time...if you want to bother me listing more examples, that is.
Edit: Another one: When RE5 was being made people got upset the enemies in a game
set in africa wre mostly they had to change it.
rojimboo: How are they mutually exclusive? They could think the game is better because they could relate to it more, hence justify spending money on it.
That still doesn't discount if a company did it for the wrong reasons, and imo it is unwise to support such tactics...
companies should do such because it's the right thing to do...not to make more money from those who identify with whatever they added to the media in question. Also companies could make entirely new properties for said groups instead of shoehorning them into other series and properties to appear progressive to score points with some groups and get their money.
rojimboo: The only reason NOT to include diversity in vidya games / movies, is if you think the proportion of prejudiced majority people exceeds the new customers from the minorities.
I never said or meant to infer(if I did) that they shouldn't include such...just to do it right and for the right reasons.
rojimboo: From all other points of view, it shouldn't matter whether the protagonist is white or black.
Agreed, as long as(as I said before) they are doing it for the right me that matters, that companies have some morals like that and stick to them.
rojimboo: You can poke fun in satire almost at anything, that's why things like political satire shows exist. Completely out of the blue racial jokes are pretty offensive though, and rarely get a positive reaction. Maybe some decades ago it was still ok.
But using slander against an entire group of people? Even to make a joke? Pretty distasteful dude.
Some people** like such things just like some like dark humor...who are we to be their moral judges? I say let people laugh at what they want as long as it's in their own mind and confined to there alone.
(**=Even members of the group the joke is about) ===========================
babark: So if your issue is simply that these developers are trying to get more minorities to play their games, because they've done the market research and found that minorities play games (duh), and they want a piece of that sweet, sweet minority what?
To some it's an issue....just because it isn't to you doesn't mean it's not an issue worthy of consideration.
Heck, YT got in trouble awhile back for tailoring ads to children based on their viewing habits to make some of that "sweet cash".