Fenixp: I'm sorry, but your entire argument comes down to purposefully contrarian "But I didn't like it so it's shit!"
No, it's not. I do think HL is overrated by today's standards, but I also don't really like Kingpin or even Unreal, but I have eyes and can see they did more for AI then HL ever did. HL gets praise for its level progression, its lack of cut-scenes, but I think anyone can plainly see its AI is not that impressive. Not as much as it was made out to be. But some people just choose to remain blind to that fact. Or we just have VERY different definitions of what good AI is. So don't just brush my argument off as "haha fuck you".
Fenixp: I'm not refuting your opinion - I get it, you didn't enjoy battling AI in Half-Life because it kept breaking. I'm sorry your experience with the game is so much worse than mine, but it does not diminish the advancements in terms of simulating
artificial intelligence in the game, which is why said simulation of Artificial Intelligence in Half-Life is impressive and why I said I like it - as opposed to you, I actually enjoy noticing these details that majority of games to this day fail to replicate in any meaningful manner
Yes, yes, I get it. You'd rather see a cockroach run away from a light, or feed a bullsquid some gibs, then have enemies actually be able to navigate anywhere the player can, or navigate WELL at all, or flank, or use/create cover, or anything that actually contributes to the game you're playing in a meaningful manner, and is not just the programmer fucking around.
Fenixp: and without actual advancements Half-Life has made in AI design, FEAR might not end up having the amazing scripting and AI it ended up receiving.
Now you're just taking the piss.
Fenixp: So yes, the AI is excellent and we have a lot to thank it for, it offered complex and varied yet reasonably simple to code solutions to AI.
We sure do. Thank god for that cockroach AI, or that AMAZING marine AI, without it, we wouldn't have FEAR. Is that what it boils down to? HL's little quirky things are the reason we have the AI we have today? Because is sure doesn't do much else but look even stupider than a sidekick from Daikatana.
Fenixp: There's where the widespread opinion that HL's AI is great stems from, and deservedly. Yes, it breaks occasionally - but you know what, AI in HL2 works a lot better, yet is a lot boring due to Valve not really experimenting with it as much.
HL2 is boring as a whole after the first time, but you know what? I'd rather have safe AI until we know what we're doing, rather then completely broken AI held together with bubblegum. That just completely ruins the immersion.
Fenixp: By the way, as a consequence to "terrible and stupid AI" in Half-Life and "brilliant" AI in FEAR, I replay HL a lot more. Quite simply because AI in HL is unpredictable whereas in FEAR, I now know which parts of a level are designed for AI to do which actions and it just becomes somewhat boring and predictable (the first time effect is great tho.)
Well then actually, I can say the same for HL. I know exactly what to expect when dealing with the enemies of HL. Especially the HECU, the crowning jewel. Scatter like cockroaches in a headlight? Check. Throw a grenade with a weak throw and hurt their buddies more then they hurt me? Check. Stand on a grenade and do a little jig on it before they explode? Check. Stare into the eyes of an alien scratching their face off? Check. Sometimes we might get lucky and he'll actually use his kick, or he might decide he's sick of this beating and run away, only to run back over to the alien, while limping, never firing a shot at it, and finally get eaten by it. We must be training them pretty hardcore in the HL universe. Those are some advanced commando moves.
Headcrabs do nothing special, bullsquids just charge you like an enemy from Quake, Alien Grunts stand there and take it like a bitch, vorts will run away from you and stop attacking, the alien fish is glitchy and dumb as a rock just floating around occasionally biting you, the barnacles do nothing special, the controllers float in a circle and fire at you, the garg charges you like an enemy from Quake, the aircraft all depend on way points, the scientists are crowbar fuel, and the security guards are better off shot in the face for ammo because they're just as dumb as the HECU. All together sounds like a fantastic experience. Nothing works together. Utter stupidity fueled chaos.
But I'll stop my "purposefully contrarian" argument here. All praise HL's wonderful AI, for it gave us napping space puppies.