I don't know if i've ever played a game during its release year. But here are my favorites that I played in 2017:
Sunless Sea - i love this game. It's very well written. It's mysterious. The sound design is monotonous but totally fitting and pleasant. It has the effect of augmenting the game's slowly mounting dread, anxiety and sense of inescapable doom. Wonderful!
Pillars of Eternity - I am going to see this game through to the end, it looks like, and that is a rarity for me among big RPGs. I like it very much. the races and classes are very different from each other. It's fun managing a big party. The tweakable AI is quite nice. And the real-time-with-pause system is quite good, with lots of auto-pause options. The world is interesting. It's a little pretentious. But I've always preferred that to dumb. I like it.
Darkest Dungeon - I love this game! And it's infuriating. And I'm still playihng it, which is amazing since it is so infuriating. I love the voice of hte narrator. I like the visual aesthetic. I like the complexity of the trait/affliction system. I like it ALL!
ABZU - it's as beautiful, surprising, wonder-inducing, and pleasant to play as it appears. Just perfect.
Grim Dawn - BAng, PO@, BaM! This was the aRPG I was craving. Go play it!
Recursed - best logic puzzle game since Antichamber
LIMBO - best side scrolling platformer puzzle thing ever. Now to play INSIDE and see if its better.
I played other games I like, but those really are the best I've played this year. Cheers!