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kai2: GOG isn't selling remakes.
teceem: Did you miss the part where I called it semantics and explained why?
The semantics -- port vs remake -- is the point.

If GOG was selling ports as remakes, there would be an issue (even though they are just a storefront and not the IP owners).
Post edited July 05, 2019 by kai2
Spectre: It looks like a PS3 game and should have been made in that era.
teceem: If that's your opinion, fair enough. The Witcher 3 looks like a Nintendo 64 game.
You're getting confused with Zelda: Ocarina of Time because they both have people riding around on horses. I can see how you might have mistaken them.
low rated
Judicat0r: Mouselook in System Shock is cheating.
I'd rather have it than not, though, what with the hard control scheme as is.

KoreaBeat: I'm a fan of all types, but I mainly prefer type 1. Would love to see that for Crusader No Remorse.
If one could remap the controls more easily it'd be much easier to get into/have fun with, and likely if it had been made that way it likely would've sold even better.

kai2: IMHO Type 0 often seems lazy and a nostalgia money grab.
teceem: Do you realise that you're talking about most old games GOG has released? ;-)
Yes but most often most people who want the remakes or are interested in them already have the originals, and the minor fixes in some of them seem like lazy cash grabs moreso than stores selling classic game versions to those who never bought/played them.

real.geizterfahr: Depending on the game, Either Type 2 or Type 3. Updated textures are called "HD patch", not "remake".
Updated textures is now called a "remaster" and people pay for them, apparently.
DadJoke007: The Resident Evil 2 REmake is supposed to be really good as well. Never played it though.
Spectre: It looks like a PS3 game and should have been made in that era.
People make games "out of era" all the time....look at the current 8-bit/retro craze, for example.
Post edited July 05, 2019 by GameRager
low rated
GreasyDogMeat: Really depends on the game.

I recently beat System Shock Enhanced Edition, it's an awesome game and 'remake'. It cleans up the controls and makes the game smoother on modern operating systems with a higher framerate. A remake that falls under this category.
The funny thing is most of that stuff was done in SS Portable(a fan build of the game) already and for free. Now they are charging for it. :|
GameRager: The funny thing is most of that stuff was done in SS Portable(a fan build of the game) already and for free. Now they are charging for it. :|
Don't mind... the very guy who initially did it for free got involved with Nightdive and I love his work so now he officially gets paid for it.

He also worked on the Turok games and an awesome port of Doom 64 to pc.
Post edited July 06, 2019 by GreasyDogMeat
Somewhere in between 1 and 2 I think, depending on the game. Audiovisual upgrades alone doesn't really interest me.

Best option is to have the original included, just with bugfixes if needed. Hyper Duel (SAT) and Homeworld are a couple of examples.


A few specific examples of what I'd like to see:
Warcraft II - Higher res, and updated interface and AI would be awesome. With easier spellcasting and some tweaks, humans wouldn't be at a disadvantage unless you were amazing at micro. It could also include the War1 campaign in the new engine. Doubt it'll happen though considering Starcraft HD changed nothing about the gameplay.

Monster World IV - It has momentum based jumps, and running (now mapped to a button instead of double-tap) is no longer canceled when transitioning between screens. MWIII style equipment mechanics are back, and most of the bosses are harder. Returning to beaten areas is now possible and the level design is built more around this. Shion is an unlockable character. Pre-dungeon levels are slightly longer and more intricate, while the ice palace has been made less tedious.

Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus - More of an overhaul would be welcome here without tile-based movement, being able to take more than one hit, a tweaked speech interface (holding a shoulder button can show the available actions on screen) and added maps (perhaps also a more non-linear game structure), and a lower overall difficulty (at least as an option).
Post edited July 06, 2019 by ResidentLeever
A lot of conflation of remakes, remaster and source ports in this thread.... Not touching it.
teceem: Do you realise that you're talking about most old games GOG has released? ;-)
GameRager: Yes but most often most people who want the remakes or are interested in them already have the originals, and the minor fixes in some of them seem like lazy cash grabs moreso than stores selling classic game versions to those who never bought/played them.
real.geizterfahr: Depending on the game, Either Type 2 or Type 3. Updated textures are called "HD patch", not "remake".
GameRager: Updated textures is now called a "remaster" and people pay for them, apparently.
Spectre: It looks like a PS3 game and should have been made in that era.
GameRager: People make games "out of era" all the time....look at the current 8-bit/retro craze, for example.
There are more than a few reasons for the pretend 8 bit look to be popular.

My issue with the RE 2 remake is that I and lots of others have been there and done that. Looking at videos of it reminded me of Resident Evil 4 or Cold Fear crossed with Doom 3 or Quake 4.
It might be a really fun game for people that were born around the time the original game was made or maybe there is some good gameplay changes that I have missed.

Compare it to the RE 1 remake on the gamecube which came out at about the right time and competed with modern games at that time.
low rated
GameRager: The funny thing is most of that stuff was done in SS Portable(a fan build of the game) already and for free. Now they are charging for it. :|
GreasyDogMeat: Don't mind... the very guy who initially did it for free got involved with Nightdive and I love his work so now he officially gets paid for it.

He also work on the Turok games and an awesome port of Doom 64 to pc.
I didn't know that......thanks for the info.
To borrow the types from the original post, I like Type 0, 1, and 2. Not at all a fan of Type 3.

I think the best done was the Resident Evil 1 "REmake", which was a massive graphical achievement (to the point that iirc its textures were used almost a decade later in making the HD console rereleases). Despite the amazing graphics, the classic "tank controls" were kept (to my delight!! Want to see more of them in games and more survival horror games now). The game added tasteful new enemies and small bits of story, and kept a more serious vibe than the original. But still retained some cheese. By the terms of the original post, this would probably fall into type 2.

An example of what I greatly dislike is what they are doing/have done to Final Fantasy VII. I could type paragraphs upon paragraphs so I will stop at that. My issue with "Type 3" in general is that often if not always, it operates on a premise I found flawed. Namely, the idea that a game can be "outdated". I do not believe that to be the case and in fact believe it to be modern marketing spew by a gaming industry that knows most AAA games have trouble competing against even basic old arcade games.
resolution and performance/control fixes, and like RE2.
remake/remaster most of the time the same exact thing.
good example is oddworld. good n tasty was a remake, but then there is games like turok nightdive kept everything the same but how much did they have to do during the complete rehaul of the game? is it a remaster or a remake?
swsoboleski89: resolution and performance/control fixes, and like RE2.
remake/remaster most of the time the same exact thing.
good example is oddworld. good n tasty was a remake, but then there is games like turok nightdive kept everything the same but how much did they have to do during the complete rehaul of the game? is it a remaster or a remake?
I like the new Turok games a lot. They look mostly the same, they sound mostly the same, but they're smooth like hot butter and play like different games. They did some sort of source code porting wizardry that I'm too Low IQ to understand. So IDK what to call them.
swsoboleski89: resolution and performance/control fixes, and like RE2.
remake/remaster most of the time the same exact thing.
good example is oddworld. good n tasty was a remake, but then there is games like turok nightdive kept everything the same but how much did they have to do during the complete rehaul of the game? is it a remaster or a remake?
slamdunk: I like the new Turok games a lot. They look mostly the same, they sound mostly the same, but they're smooth like hot butter and play like different games. They did some sort of source code porting wizardry that I'm too Low IQ to understand. So IDK what to call them.
another one is super Mario all-stars. are those all remade or "remastered". tbh I think I am just going to start calling them ports or remakes.