Judicat0r: Mouselook in System Shock is cheating.
I'd rather have it than not, though, what with the hard control scheme as is.
KoreaBeat: I'm a fan of all types, but I mainly prefer type 1. Would love to see that for Crusader No Remorse.
If one could remap the controls more easily it'd be much easier to get into/have fun with, and likely if it had been made that way it likely would've sold even better.
kai2: IMHO Type 0 often seems lazy and a nostalgia money grab.
teceem: Do you realise that you're talking about most old games GOG has released? ;-)
Yes but most often most people who want the remakes or are interested in them already have the originals, and the minor fixes in some of them seem like lazy cash grabs moreso than stores selling classic game versions to those who never bought/played them.
real.geizterfahr: Depending on the game, Either Type 2 or Type 3. Updated textures are called "HD patch", not "remake".
Updated textures is now called a "remaster" and people pay for them, apparently.
DadJoke007: The Resident Evil 2 REmake is supposed to be really good as well. Never played it though.
Spectre: It looks like a PS3 game and should have been made in that era.
People make games "out of era" all the time....look at the current 8-bit/retro craze, for example.