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Mine would be from India, thanks!
Thanks, I'm in.

My grandparents were from Switzerland, and my mother was from here too, of course.
When she turner 18, they left the Switzerland for Italy, here she knew my father and...begin of my story :)
I descend from Charlemagne.

But closest family would be my sister who lives in Denmark.
My closest ancestor is from Germany or Sweden I don't know the mileage so one of the 2. In please and thanks for the giveaway +1
I have french and spanish blood from my mother's end, and spanish and native blood from my father's end, pretty much any Venezuelan have a blood tie to Spain, France, Portugal or the Native Tribes.

I couldn't care less though, I'm proud of being Venezuelan.

Thanks for the giveaway. +1
Italy from my father's side, Portugal from my mother's. I was once told about our nearest Italian ancestor that migrated to Brazil, but I forgot who/when/how.

I am in, thanks for the giveaway.
My maternal great grandparents were both full-blooded Italians. My paternal grandfather was of French and Irish heritage, and my paternal grandmother is of Lebanese heritage.
+ For you, thank you for the opportunity.
Post edited May 25, 2013 by desnoscross
I'm still waiting for the Scots to vote on whether they count as foreign...

I've seen it suggested that my surname may have originated somewhere around Belgium or Ardennes, but I've never looked into that.
Thanks and +1 for your generosity, Telika, and congrats on your new milestone!

(Hope your endeavor in Greece is going well?)

Count me in, but if I win, would be OK if I choose to re-gift the prize to a generous forum member?

Spain, while originally populated by Iberians and Celts, always was a disputed land in ancient times, with each newcomer people eventually absorbed or displaced by the following one: Phoenicians, Romans, Goths, Moors, Frankish..., so plenty of foreign contributions to our genetic pool. ;)

I'm not aware of any direct foreign ancestors in my family (it could be, I just don't know), but one of my aunts on the maternal side went to work to in Switzerland several decades ago. There she met an Italian, married him, and somewhat later both went to live in Italy, where they reside. So now I have an female cousin (?) and a niece, both Italian with Spanish ancestors. ;)
Post edited May 25, 2013 by Thespian*
Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on the milestone! +1

I'm an immigrant and so was my mother before I was born.
Thank you and in!

Concerning my closest foreign ancestor, that depends whether a place of origin counts, that only became foreign after said ancestor moved away from there. Specifically my grandfather comes from Swinemünde, which was German at the time, but since WWII it belongs to Poland (Świnoujście).

If that doesn't count, I would have to go very far back. My family tree is traceable back to the 15-th century and one part was from Prussia, the other from the Palatinate. Before that, nothing specific is known. So probably the last really foreign ancestors come from the Migration Period.

But my closest foreign relatives would be my niece and nephew. My sister moved to East Timor, is married there and has two kids.
I once asked around and it seems my family is one of those boring families that have been in Spain for centuries. However, my second last name (in Spain we have two last names: our from our father and one from our mother) is Escribano, which makes me suspect Jewish ancestors. (When Jews and Muslims were forced to abandon their religions and adopt Christianity, they had to change their last name; many chose their profession as last name.)

However, my wife is an immigrant from the US, I myself was an immigrant in the US for 8 years, and I have family in Brazil, as one of my aunts moved there in the 60s and formed a family in Sao Paulo.

Thank for the great giveaway! Cheers!
Hm, this is hard.

As far as I know my family father side comes from todays Hungary in 1600. They moved from there to todays Germany because they were promised they could practise their religion without any problems but please do not ask me which Christian religion they did follow. And the only reason they got this gift was basically every body else had did in the villages they were supposed to move to due to pest an cholera.

For my mother side, I have no idea. She never had interest in tracking it down.
My grandparents are from France.
They migrated to the states some time ago.

Thanks for the giveaway!
Post edited May 25, 2013 by CthuluIsSpy
Scotland checking in, but I'm 100% Canadian eh :)