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500 games on ready to download and play.

[url=" target="_blank]Enter the 500 Games Giveaway here![/url]

Leisure Suit Larry--a great example of the classics that got us here, or you can pre-order Omerta: City of Gangsters--a promising Mafia crime sim that's showcases the quality & variety of the kinds of games that will continue to release (new and old!) in the future.

We owe all of this to you--our gaming audience--and we're extremely grateful. This is as much your achievement as it is ours and that's why we're giving away 500 games to thank you. To enter the giveaway, simply tell us, [url=" target="_blank]after clicking the link[/url], what's the next big step for Should we land on Mars? Create a small DRM-free country on some lonely Pacific island? Create an evil A.I. that will threaten mankind with endless tests? Just type a few words for a chance to win one of 500 games. You can get some extra entries by sharing, tweeting, and following us on social media. You're not joining any mailing lists or signing up for anything. We just need your e-mail to send the game. The giveaway ends next Thursday at 10:59 AM GMT. Join it here: [url=" target="_blank] 500 Giveaway[/url]

Thanks again, and see you at a thousand games!
Congrats on the 500 games, GOG! Stay awesome!
CynicGenti: Seriously gog, please don't force your members to choose between their privacy/security/dignity and celebrating 500 games with you. The suggestions at least should have been also allowed on the forums.
Lexor: Sadly, I 100% agree with this. I know its easier to use 3rd party script than to made one by self, but posts on forum should count too, at least. I do not need nor want to create another account just to "remember another password" and to "have fun".
Like many others, not entering the raffle because of the third-party account required.

However, I'll offer a suggestion here: GOG tournaments! There are now a fair number of classic competitive titles on GOG that don't see a lot of activity - that could be changed (and possibly sell a few more copies :-) ) by organizing tournaments. Perhaps you could start with well-known classics like UT99 and as the concept picks up steam, drop in some less famous titles that are equally deserving of attention. Even with very simple prizes, I think it could be very popular just for the fun factor (and, of course, bragging rights :-D ).
high rated
Since i thought we could say anything about GOG and not just a small sentence about it, I created the fiction ( or not...) below.

2014 December - Below Warsaw, in old long abandoned underground WW2 bunkers, a special task force from GOG composed of top Polish experts in IT is hard at work to create the next step in DRM-less software, a dynamic multi content DRM remover from existing software, which could be sold legally so that people who legally already owned DRMed digital content, could remove it's DRM. The special software would pick up the existing software and package it the form of a traditional GOG installer.

2015 February - Finally with the help of old decryption techniques recovered from secret German documents, the GOG task force creates a working prototype of the DRM remover software, and conducts the first live trials as a DRM remover sold on approved by the game publishers. This software would only run once and unlock 1 piece of software, in this case a game that was on the GOG catalogue, it would cost half of the current price of the corresponding game on GOG.

2015 July - Amid rave reviews and acceptance of their DRM remover, Most revered illuminate high chaplain Marcin Iwiński, decides to proceed to phase 2, of his most cunning plan. Apply the DRM remover to all available digital content and catapult GOG to the forefront of digital realm. Now everyone can have their digital content without DRM, be it music, movies, ebooks, etc.

2015 September - Fears rise as now every piece of digital content can be pirated non stop, by lazy, i'll intended people, or just plain bad people who try to coerce friends and acquaintances to let them copy their DRM-less software from them. This was already foreseen by his most supreme planner, the benevolent mastermind Marcin "Freedom Giver" Iwiński. Unbeknownst to the people who used GOG's DRM remover software, the software added a benign spyware to the digital content it was applied to, where it recorded and analysed mouse gestures on the host computer when installing software in much the same way as a polygraph machine was used, enabling the detection of people who where installing software they didn't bought and was not freeware. With this data GOG was able to pinpoint the top pirates of most countries, who where then submitted to sweeps of their hardware for payed software installed illegally.

2015 November - GOG discloses it's lists of pirated software users to world governments who agree to punish the offenders in the way devised by the anointed brother Marcin. His punishment for the offender was completely the opposite of current policies until now, which was to charge obscene amounts of money from single persons, Marcin's way turned out to be the apprehension of all wages and revenue from the offenders for the period of 1 year. If they didn't had a job they would be force to work for free, while being given a home, clothes and food if they could not afford it, their bank accounts would also be frozen for a year. His intention was to demonstrate to the guilty of the injustice of basically being forced to work for free, as the rightful owners of the digital content had.

2016 June - This policy had great impact on the world wide view on piracy, and reduced piracy by 75%, while increasing revenue to digital content producers, which in turn where able to charge more affordable prices, so digital content was cheaper than ever.

2016 August - Reaping the fruits of great revenue and public recognition, GOG starts buying digital content producer companies, as well as integrating freelancers and independents in it's fold in what was to be knows as the GOGERS.

2017 April - Revenue levels of the GOG company surpass most industry giants like Apple and Microsoft.

2017 December - Revenue Levels of GOG surpass most small countries GDP.

2018 March - GOG becomes the dominant digital company in Europe.

2018 October - GOG CEO Marcin is not seen for 6 months now, rumoured to be in a spiritual trance to better devise his next step in the master plan.

2019 January - GOG settles a deal with the people of Lithuania with whom the Polish had ancient ties, for a lease of the country and it's industrial base for 5 years, for an undisclosed sum which is rumoured to surpass 10 years of China's GDP.

2024 January - Anointed Grand Master, bringer of the most secret mysteries Marcin, reveals to the world that his secret plans are now to advance to the next phase, having acquired Argentina's and Chile's claims to the Antarctica. Marcin plans to move all GOG personnel and all who want to join them, up to a limit of 2 Millions, to his land claim in Antarctica to build the GOG nation.

2028 August - Goglândia surpasses Japan, China and the USA as the main supplier of advanced electronics and computing equipment, becoming the worlds most advanced nation, industrially and socially.

2028 October - Marcin reveals to the upper ranks in his organisation, that they were previously contacted in 2012, by a space faring alien race, who wanted to export the business ways of GOG to the rest of the galaxy, and that all their success until now was only a testbed so the aliens would approve of the plan, while it raised revenue, lifted countries to better understanding of persons work and it's worth for each other, creating enterprising and driven people, who wanted to succeed by their hands instead of mooching the work results from others.

2031 February - The Marcin GSS (GOG Star Ship) launches into space carrying Marcin and a small cadre of his most trusted acolytes, to proliferate the GOG business ways among the cosmos. Marcin vows to return after he has earned the Human race a place among the Galaxy Star faring races.

2032 January - A rogue Star Ship Fleet of 5 military ships is launched with the remnants of people who kept their pirating ways. This was enabled through enclaves on remote parts of China, of people supporting knockoff strategies and simple thuggery as ways of business. They where fanatically intent on destroying Marcin and his small group of acolytes, so as to ensure that aliens would consider Earth a non-developed planet, so they can better stretch their tentacles and corrupt the GOG ideals from within and suffocate the country under economic oppression.

2032 November
- News reporters all over the world show Marcin's mother tears, as she watches a pursuit fleet launch in pursuit of the rogue fleet, built by all the nations of the world who supported Marcin's views on business and humanity. Our best hopes are that they can catch up to the single unarmed ship of Marcin, before the rogue fleet catches up to them.

Hope you enjoyed reading, as this would be my entry, now it's here for comment abuse :)
Post edited January 19, 2013 by wobinho
^ Haha awesome! +1 for the laughs and amusement. :)
If I win this, I'm totally making a youtube video where I play the titles from GoG on my phone.

(Samsung GS3, has a dosbox app I can run RoTH perfectly with)
wobinho: Awesome story from wobinho, see above.
Are you going to continue the story somewhere else, or are we going to have to write what comes next XD
Post edited January 20, 2013 by FlamingFirewire
calvinms: how about DRM-free mass effect trilogy with complete DLCs?

..,, yeah like that ever happen...
rodrolliv: I'd be very surprised to see any recent EA game at all.
I saw the latest game available from EA is code of honor, dated 2004. maybe in 2020 the entire ME will be avaiable in gog. doesnt hurt to hope, right? ;)
high rated
I'm honestly quite ashamed with some of the people in this thread. Achievements? Steam-like clients? What the hell is wrong with you people? You want GOG to celebrate 500 DRM free games by.. becoming another freaking DRM-based site?

Yes, believe it or not Steam is DRM. It's not terribly invasive, and I definitely like their sales and being able to have my games in one spot.. but that's besides the point. You're asking them to adopt a DRM client in order to keep track of the achievements which suddenly will mean "whoops, no more DRM-free games". The only way you're going to get achievements without DRM is to have them built in, only you can see them, and they're tied to the games and not your account. That'd mean going in and tweaking all those 500 games already one here - which isn't going to happen - and it's also one more thing eating up development/release time.

"Well, we were going to give you guys System Shock 2, but it's taking a lot longer to make the achievements work, what with having to come up with ideas for them, rewrite sections of the game to make it recognize and activate the achievements, and so forth."

And as for this ridiculous "sign up with an external site" giveaway.. no thanks. It appears to have upwards of 100k entries which'll only get higher by the end of the sign-up period. I'm not a betting man and I don't fancy my chances.

GOG, if you want a suggestion, fine. I'll say it in here, rather than asking you to sift through hundreds of thousands of entries which - in all likelihood - you're probably not going to read. My suggestions are thus:

You have some really high priced games that should go down in price, and likewise some of your lowest priced games are still too high for what they're offering. The only thing I think you should do, GOG, in regards to being like Steam is adopt a better sales strategy by having sales more often and at better deals. Dig deeper into the catalogues of existing or expired game companies, there's still plenty of older titles the site could be offering. Do NOT add achievements, they carry far more baggage than they're worth. Think of the poor sods - like myself - who feel obligated to complete everything, including the poorly planned achievements.

We just want to enjoy good games at low prices without the hassle of DRM. You were doing pretty good the last few years - except some of those price points - so beyond better sales and no more third party giveaways, I don't see much of a problem.
HiroshiMishima: I'm honestly quite ashamed with some of the people in this thread. Achievements? Steam-like clients? What the hell is wrong with you people? You want GOG to celebrate 500 DRM free games by.. becoming another freaking DRM-based site?
While I don’t really care about achievements, GOG would do well to create a Steam-like client. Not for achievements but for cloud-based game syncing.
That could also help extend Mac and Linux support; people who get some officially unsupported games working on either of those platforms could upload the config data through the client.
The more, the merrier, - congrats to gog on reaching another milestone ;)
I'm very excited for that february announcement. Hope TW3 eventually pops up here.

And now for some (pointless?) ranting:
A steam-like client and/or achievements is NOT something we need here. The gog downloader does the job just fine, and Valve that started that trend, have done more than enough damage to the pc gaming ecosystem, imho.

Leave Britney - i mean - gog alone!
Congratulations GOG! Hopefully many more are coming from new and old developers.

What I would hope is that GOG expands its indie game selection (Bastion and maybe Millennium series when it's completed + many, many more). Once in a while, there could be a Humble GOG Bundle sale. Well, not every game needs to be indie game, but for example this way:
* 10x indie games
* 10x other games
* choose 5
* pay $10
Post edited January 20, 2013 by nakano
sajin: When GOG reach 1,000 games Mayan prophecy will be fulfilled!
gyokzoli: Which one?
That Popcap comes to GOG?
Congratulations and I wish you many more successful years

As for the next step, it's fairly obvious isn't it? Digital is a thing of the past, go TEMPORAL with the TIME-MACHINE™. What's that? You can't get a working copy of System Shock 2 anywhere? WHAM! You're back in 1999, you can buy it fresh from the store. What? You regret buying that copy of Daikatana? NO PROBLEM! Just casue a horrible accident that will hospitalize you for a few months and the mental trauma will be gone in a jiffy. NO MORE LICENSING PROBLEMS! NO MORE WAITING! Additionally we'll patch that game for you and we'll even remove that pesky tumor headache caused by the time travel.

We'll take you back to the past... literally! Only with the TIME-MACHINE™
Post edited January 20, 2013 by BluesBrotha
wobinho: Awesome story from wobinho, see above.
FlamingFirewire: Are you going to continue the story somewhere else, or are we going to have to write what comes next XD
Nah, that's for the rest of the community to complete the timeline :)
Thanks a lot guys. I was there the first day. I'm still here cause you're still doin' great.