acare84: For who doesn't know. All GFWL games have limited activations, Fallout 3, Dawn of War 2, GTA IV, Batman, Street Fighter 4 etc.. Some new GFWL games are using GFWL 3.0 features and serials are tieing to your gamertag and they have not limited activations like Red Faction Guerilla, Dirt 2, Section 8 etc...
Heu... no... at least not for single player. I own Falout 3, Batman SFIV, Lost Planet Colony, Resident Evil 5 and others and I never ever needed to activate them online, and I know for sure because my gaming Windows is not connected to the net.
I played all those games with my offline account (which I created... well offline...) and they worked perfectly.
So maybe they have limited activation if you want to play online, or if you care about those stupid achievements thing (purely personal opinion ;-) ), but if you only play offline they don't have any, only a basic CD-check
By the way Dawn of War II and Red Faction use Steam for their online activation DRM and GTV4 uses Secorom.
Lucibel: As far as I can tell, you should be able to create an offline profile and be able to play single player without ever needing to activate with Games for Windows.
if that's the case and it's definitely an improvement over the first one...