darthspudius: I must of played a different game. What I played was an badly made ball of fun. I enjoyed it for what it was. But yet I didn't have unrealistic expectations.
Are you speaking of Duke Nukem Forever? Perhaps you are right, but I played the original multiple times and Serious Sam was already 10 years old... Why "keep somewhat the same level" is unrealistic expectation?
Sure, if by "realistic expectation" you mean "I expect a total crappy game that make me wonder why I am not doing something funnier like sorting my socks by length". Then yes, it was probably better than this.
In the first description I was exaggerating a little bit... JUST a little bit. Anyhow I think DNF deserves to be in this topic.
darthspudius: Nah you're not alone, I thought Neverwinter Nights 2 was shite too. I would also add the piss poor KOTOR 2 to the list. It should of been soo good.
Same here, I played the game when it was shiny new and I had the "obvious beta" feeling. Slow and the main quest was totally bare bone.
I remember an extreme case: your characters just walk in a street and some people standing in front of a static inn start insulting them with something like: "who enters? the circus?" and one of your characters answers: "we entered walking, someone is going to leave flying".
Too bad there was no inn and no-one entered anywhere. It was obvious that developers prepared the scripts and the dialog, but yet no inn...
I never finished it, but I kinda liked the main quest until it lasted.