Dischord: Not so much courage, as knowledge of tactical advantage.
Not wanting to burst any bubbles, but private writings indicate that many stances taken were to undermine the economy of a foe, and to keep support of moneyed interests in the northeast.
It matters little now, all worked out fine, but he was no water walker.
Edit: typo and my ignorant formatting :-)
Never said he was a water walker. Never said he was a perfect man. And you're not bursting any bubbles.
Was he not at war at the time, fighting for something he believed in, to bring about change to a country? (And before anyone wants to chime in that "he didn't fight, he had people fight for him"...right you are! Leaders do not fight and that comment was not 100% literal).
In war, you try to have a tactical advantage, in war, you try to undermine the economy of a foe, in war you try to keep support of moneyed interests that will support your side. The South did not want to give up their slaves and their way of life. Abe and his supporters thought it was time to bring that change and went about doing it.
Would he wanted it to be peaceful solution? Probably. But they were not willing, so in times of war, you do what you must do so your side is victorious.
I really don't understand your comment as to why its bursting Lincoln's buuble. Your comment bursts the bubble on any leader who has gone to war, winning side or losing side. Its just a fact of war and you don't hold it against the victors or the losers. I mean, didn't the allies do the same in WW1, WW2, heck pick any war in the history of mankind and what you said happened has happened. Thats not solely Lincoln...its Washington, Churchill, Bush, Napoleon, etc.
All I said was trying to end slavery at that time was a huge step for this country. No one before Lincoln had gone for it. He decided to. It unfortunately led to war. Civil war. Each side did what they had to to try to win. He ultimately paid for the abolishment of slavery with his life. Thats not disputable.