Wurzelkraft: Looks like it could be related to some database hiccups like it was mentioned
here. You have to wait for the support though, sorry.
rtcvb32: From the sounds of it, renaming ended up making a new profile by accident?
It's entirely possible then his whole library got deleted, if that's the case they may have to sift through everything you actually bought, double check it, then re-enter it in manually and post it as a single SQL entry. With as many games as is bought during deals that could take a while. Far more likely with an ID mismatch updating your ID to be the right one will fix the entire thing at once.
Yep. It seems that is exactly what happened. I hope it isn't too big of a hassle for them to sort that out. I still have my email receipts from the games I bought. I just wish they would contact me back though. It has me tearing my hair out.