Luisfius: The revenue does not belong to the LPer unless the original content creator allows it. It is different than a movie review OR content review since the focus of a LP is to show off as much of the content as possible, not to provide a critical look with snippets of footage of the thing. The footage is the game creator's intellectual property.
jamotide: Why are you so sure about this? Are there court cases where letsplays are guilty of infringement? Why are they so different from reviews with less pictures (movies are just lots of pictures)? Your opinion seems to be guided by irrational hatred towards youtubers who earn money.
Because a Let's Play takes almost the entirety of a game's assets and shows them. There are no court cases but it's been coming for a long long time.
Again, I've been watching and generating LPs since 2006 (with varying degrees of sucking at things myself), and I've been interested on that since the start. My hatred is not towards "earning money" for it, (EVEN though I've stated that the monetization is the worst thing to happen to it), but that has caused a lot of very bad quality stuff to appear. Monetization in the Let's Plays has caused things to be done just because they are popular, not because of the player caring for the game. It has led to amazingly terrible trends (scarecam LPs of horror games) and to switch the focus from THE GAME into THE PLAYER, which is the absolute worst path it could take.
Again, quoting this that more or less summarizes everything in a better way than I could:
"Simply Simon posted:
In any case, there's absolutely no reason to cry bloody murder about this. If it's your only source of income and you are for some contrived reason unable to go away from Nintendo games, tough shit. Did you seriously expect to keep up your business model forever? I predict that in a few years companies will either have recognized LPs as great sources of attention, advertisement and therefore money and either support their and only their own LPers while stamping out others or, best case, do what Nintendo has started and accept free entertainment as free money, or LPs as a concept will have died out because the times, they are a-changing and everything will have been oversaturated with cheap YT shit so nobody cares anymore...
In any way, I'm taking the few quids I get from Google, tell people smugly that I'm actually earning money with my dumb hobby instead of spending thousands of dollars on dunno guns or whatever people do and accept everything as it comes. Because LPs are a hobby, yes, not a pseudo-hobby, but never a job or a way of life or whatever.
By the way, while we're at it...does anyone know if Capcom really said "yeah we're okay with people LPing our games"?"
Good on Nintendo. They are not pulling off a Sega, where they closed down entire youtube channels just for mentioning Shining Force. They are just getting the ad revenue of things derivative from their properties.
RetroJaro: From personal experience, I personally got into animal crossing from a very early let's play of it way back in the day, and I had to buy it, and I've been buying animal crossing since. Hell I'll be picking up new leaf in the next 2 or 3 months.
RayRay13000: One Let's Play almost got me to buy a game just from one video:
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. After watching that video and getting great info on the game I though "This looks fucking awesome, I want this game!" I wish more Let's Plays are like this.
Chip and Ironicus always provide quality stuff. Real high skill play, going into insane detail into their stuff, and fun commentary. I am hyped for them to do Revengeance. Hell I've played through it TWICE already and the video shows two collectibles I never knew about.