I don't care if they had a kickstarter or not.
The ENTIRE POINT of "Early adopters" is that the people who buy the game help the developer and (generally) in return they get the game for a cheaper price then retail.
You are basically helping support the developer to finish the game and in return they allow you to buy it cheapeer.
This is how Steam early access games usually are. IT isn't kickstarter, it's not "Crowd funding" a game, it's pre-buying a game BEFORE IT'S FINISHED and understanding that, but also the developer understnaidng because it's not finished and you want to help them, they in-turn help you by offering the game at a discount.
I remember Mount and Blade, I bought that game at FIVE DOLLARS, and over the years since I bought it they constantly built the game up and because I had helped support them so early in development that five bucks I put down? It was the price I paid for every new patch, every new update, the full game and everything.
If you want limited people to test the alpha of your game, don't offer it for sale and actually get people by you know...applications and those who understand what an alpha is.
This kind of thing will HURT the game, not help it, because many people that missed out on the kickstarter or would like to have helped them develop the game further, would have EASILY plopped down 15-20 bucks for the early access game, but no way in hell am I paying 90 for it, nor does anyone I know that would be interested in an RTS like TA and missed the KS either.