Posted May 22, 2014
solzariv: Thai food must be really-really-really-fucking-amazing in Thailand since it's already fucking-amazing in the states.
Thai Food in Thailand isn't as special as you might think :) (I have been to Thailand 3 times while in the Service, once to Phuket twice to Pattaya). It is good, but you have to be more careful where you get it from (some areas you do not want to eat anything that may have been 'washed' or prepared with local water). I do miss good Thai food though :/ To the OP - hope things cool down quick there (Keep your head on a swivel). I know that the King is sort of a forbidden topic, but hopefully calmer heads and his influence will prevail. If not then I hope everyone can get out of this in one piece (emotionally and physically) though I fear the worse.
If you can leave the country for somewhere safer do so; though that will only fix your issue, the issue of the people who can't leave is a whole other story that I hope isn't ended in tragedy.