ddmuse: If not for the 360 version I'd have said to hell with it (not that I'd have lost much given what I've seen of the game so far). ;-)
Siannah: Oh yeah, before I forget: I'm still waiting for a few games that do all what's been criticized on Skyrim so much better....
I'm really interested in what games do all your could-have-been's / why-didn't-they's and f**ked-up-design-decision's even just right. Just don't dare to settle on only Morrowind.
Not the point.
It's not about "which games are better" but instead that "Skyrim should have been better".
Almost every aspect of the game smacks of laziness. I constantly find myself thinking:
"Was any playtesting or quality control done? How could they miss this simple and obvious bug?"
"It's neat that they added this thing, but since they didn't put in the effort to do it right, they may as well not have bothered."
(example: an extremely limited selection of marriage partners instead of a truly open system of scripted checks and assignments)
"I wish they made a smaller number of quests with real options or interesting plots instead of hundreds of mindless fetch/kill quests."
"These mechanics are so f***ed."
We could argue examples and details and all that, but I'm tired tonight and not much interested right now. Besides that, I'm still playing and trying to keep at least a somewhat positive attitude. The occasional rant here allows me keep playing rather than microwaving the disk. ;-)