StingingVelvet: Considering the patches and DLC will all be DRM'd to hell and back on the consoles, and that the day one patch was almost required to play the game right, I don't really see a difference.
You should stop worrying about irrelevant DRM on the open platform and start worrying about it on the closed one.
[puts on shocked face] WHAT? There is DRM on consoles? But... but.... why? Aren't all the pirates PC only?
ddmuse: If not for the 360 version I'd have said to hell with it (not that I'd have lost much given what I've seen of the game so far). ;-)
Oh yeah, before I forget: I'm still waiting for a few games that do all what's been criticized on Skyrim so much better....
I'm really interested in what games do all your could-have-been's / why-didn't-they's and f**ked-up-design-decision's even just right. Just don't dare to settle on only Morrowind.