StingingVelvet: Started a new character now that I am back home, plan to use him for Dawnguard if it launched before I return to Europe. Am I crazy or is a two-handed warrior basically God mode?
It has a peak, valley, peak...valley progression. At least with combat mods (shorter hit range). In the base game you can just kite and use backwards power attack from meters away.
Early on you dominate just because you can one-hit creatures a few levels above you. Around level 10-13 it
just starts to even out. You begin to take serious damage from levelled enemy two handers because you block less. The enemies deal more damage because they can now take a hit from you and keep coming, meaning you get surrounded.
You really start to hurt for crowd damage, relying on shouts or spells during the agonising wait for the Sweep perk (hit all enemies in a arc power attack). Smithing your weapon to top shape becomes an obsession.
Then you get the sweep perk and you're unstoppable again, against everything but a crowd of magic users. Its then that you might miss the shield only elemental protection perk in the blocking tree. I don't recall crowds of magic users being common in base Skyrim, but they are frequent with the Warzones mod.
The biggest draw back for two handers is the slow swing (less noticeable on greatswords). There's a well protected
hammer that is the bees knees for speed and can still be used with Elemental Fury (the haste shout), making you whirling death.
Even with that though, at higher levels with superior metals, one hander speed and damage beats out two handers eventually, and a shield offers much better protection.
StingingVelvet: Magic is so weak in the game.
Mostly this comes down to fixed damage spells, your damage output doesn't scale as well with your level. Probably why 90% of magic mods try (and overkill) to fix this.
With good enchantments you can cast spells without pause, so dual wielding for damage and stun becomes a breeze. I found it incredibly easy to beat the game just by dual wielding lightning spells. Everything just kept staggering.
I've always used the Better Magic mod since then, its a little more conservative with the damage boost as you level, doesn't add new spells and reduces the stagger chance.