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I'd like to enter.

As for my favorite video game memory, I'd have to say it's the part in Mega Man Legends where the Bonnes- who you've been fighting the whole game- actually rescue Trigger. In particular, Tron's reaction to the moment is very well done, and it really makes me wonder why the other PS1 era Mega Man games (or really, any other Mega Man game that was translated) couldn't get decent voice acting.
I'm in for the 5.99 game. I'm probably younger than most people who use this site(born in late 90s) one of my favorite memories was Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. I was a huge Star Wars fan around the age of 9 and I loved playing that game and setting up scenarios built in my favor(I was never that good at strategy games back then).
I'd like to enter for the $5.99 option, because I want to play the first Witcher before I decide if I want to play the sequel or not.

My favorite video game memories involve playing with my sister closest to me in age. We've played everything from Super Smash Bro.s to Final Fantasy X to Myst together, and it's made our relationship stronger and given us many awesome memories.

So for my most memorable gaming moment, I actually wasn't playing but watching my sister play Ico. She got to the end of game, tears slipping down her cheeks as the credits rolled up the TV screen. Then came the cutscene of Ico getting out of the little boat onto the beach, and she said, "Wouldn't it be cool if you could play as Ico right now?" And just as she finished speaking, the black bars on the top and bottom of the cutscene went away and she could control Ico. That's one gaming moment I'll always remember.
The Witcher 2 :)

My favorite has to be with Monkey Island II, near the end. Fantastic game; funny, charming, fairly difficult, and lengthy. Then it starts getting really bizarre near the end, when you've finally caught up to the present time, (up to that point Guybrush is retelling his story).

At that point you go into tunnels that strongly resemble the ones *I* walk through every day for work, at Disney World! Then you see more and more things hinting at an amusement park, (not to mention all the little bits up to this point). Then you uncover what appears to be the skeletal remains of your parents! Between this surreal realization, and LeChuck stalking and haunting you, I knew I was playing something that just got a heck of a lot "deeper" than what I had originally thought.

It gets weirder, and then it ends, without really telling you what took place. But that's what I love about it. This is a goofy, silly point and click adventure, but Gilbert (and co.) had the audacity to turn the tables and give us something to really think about, not to mention something that related directly to me. And for something to be entirely comical, and abruptly switch into something so different, had such an impact on me. Fantastic storytelling.

Just wish I knew what it all meant :p
Post edited December 13, 2012 by Ben1890
Ahhhh nostalgia :D First thank you so much for the giveway man. My favourite videogame-related memory would probably be when I used to go to my friend's house for sleeping over on Friday night in order to play Tekken 3 on his playstation while in Senior High. Or would it be while playing Diablo II (still at his home, because we would play while being together in the same room on our respective pc with another friend as well)? We would play hours and hours to this game while eating pizza and drinking soda, argue for a drop that a friend took or shoot at a stupid monster, etc that was a lot of fun! Thanks for letting people share their memories! =)
I'm in for either prize.

I remember the Christmas that I got my N64 and the only game I needed for the first 3 months with the system, Goldeneye. My favorite part of the game was the multiplayer and the great rules you had to make (i.e. no OddJob, or slappers only) Good times!
Ah, I shall abstain on this one (people say I post too much on these threads) so GOOD LUCK EVRYONE! You are very generous ellynandroid, Merry Christmas!
I want to enter for either one please! I am new, thanks!
I'll take the 2nd option. Sadly, my system is too slow for witcher2.

Playing the original Legend of Zelda on a 2 inch screen with my new NES because my brother, being older and a foot taller, wanted to play Super Mario on an actual t.v. with his friend's new NES. You thought those graphics were rough before!
in for:
Second: any other game/games up to $5.99. The recipient may choose to wait until there's an awesome deal they like, but I won't hold the option after the end of the holiday sales (Jan 3).

To enter, tell me your favourite videogame-related memory! Let the nostalgia flow!

my favorite memory was playing Secret of Mana for hours on end power-leveling all the weapons combos, on each character and spells in the Ice Country on the wolves. between the city and santa's shack.

thanks for hosting a giveaway!
I'm in for the $5.99 option. I just bought the Witcher 1+2.

One of my favorite gaming related memories is when I became friends with a someone over Heroes of Might and Magic. I happened to reference the game and we ended up talking about it for the rest of class. It was kinda exciting, since there aren't many other girls who liked gaming/admitted to liking games (at least at my high school).
I'm in for $5.99

Also, I'm not sure that it's the best, but the first thing that springs to mind is staying up all night and finishing off Link's Awakening.

Edit: When's the deadline for this?
Post edited December 14, 2012 by Austrobogulator
In for the $4.99 one - really wanna play fallout 2. :D

Probably that first level in Deus Ex - ftw! That was one of the first actual 3d games I got, simply seeing the amazing atmosphere and the sneaky sneaky gameplay.... ah good memories. :)
I'm in for the 5,99 game.

Favourite moment gaming moment is either playing Heroes III with my friends when I was a kid or playing Journey (PS3) with strangers.
I forgot to say +1 in my earlier post. Thanks again for the generous giveaway!