I said it in my first post here, I'll say it again a little differently here.
You are acting as though you have been on these forums since the beginning. You have said it yourself that you have only been here for a couple days, so please shush about elitism when you are the one being elitist to those that have been around longer than you. Your opinion is fine, but as with religion, stop pushing it onto others believing it is the only way to think. It's great that you like GOG, we all do, that's why we're still here and check the forums regularly, but GOG does not have every game ever available. Because of this, we must look to other sources for games, which include (but are not limited to): Steam, Gamersgate, Desura, GetGamesGo, GreenManGaming, Humble Bundles, Indie Royale bundles, etc etc.
Again, it's nice you have an opinion, but stop shoving down everyone's throats believing you are the only one with a say. You are no authority here and should really stop acting like one.