Shadowrun already made it. took it like 28 hours.
It's the first Kickstarter I threw money at. never played the PnP, or the SNES/Genesis games, but I read the books and adored the setting.
This has potential to be a new Arcanum.... with Cyberpunk instead of Steampunk.
you basically get a combo of your basic humans, elves, dwarves, orks, trolls to start with, add to that guns, swords, cyber-implants that replace limbs, a separate cyber-world(the Matrix.... in 1989), plus 2 different schools of magic (totem-based shamans, vs conjurer/summoner mages). in basically any combo of race/class.
on top of that you have the classic cyberpunk world where corporations are above governments, dragons runs corporations (and countries), vampirism is a genetic disorder that's slowly spreading in the shadows, crime syndicates prosper, etc. did I mention the Elves got their own country, and all races hate each other?
the setting was begging for a proper PC game. and now we're getting one, b/c with 23 days to go, they've raised 125% of the money they wanted.
oh, I also chipped in a few bucks for Wasteland. I want Obsidian to help with the story.