Personally, I loved the combat system. Managing the gambits to make a good preparation and then see how you fared against the enemy was fun, and I've grown to be annoyed with those sudden encounters (they really irked me while playing Evoland, I was actually suprised at how much they annoyed me while I used to enjoy that).
There also were a lot of side missions and stuff to do beyond the main quest, which is great by my book. I can then choose to do them or not, it puts it way ahead of FF XIII's corridor.
This said, I found the story absolutely disappointing, and I play(ed) FFs for the plot. In almost all FFs, the story gets a seemingly normal guy who gets deeper and deeper into whatever is happening, only to at some point get a revelation that completely twists the situation around. In a way, it's like a James Bond movie: you know the trail the story is going to take, but you don't know how it's going to take it, and that discovery is fun.
*possible spoilers ahead*
FF XII puts you in a story of a dethroned princess, who fights against the empire who conquered her nation. And... that's it. No twist, no surprise, no nothing. And the story of this princess isn't that interesting to begin with, but as Elmofongo
Elmofongo said to each their own, that's a matter of taste. What is not a matter of taste is the lack of intrigue and twists, and the absolute disappointment of not ever having the world open to you like on previous iterations. Hell, there's this major country opposing the empire, and you never get to see it!
Finally, I can hardly remember the characters, which is a clear sign of their lack of appeal (to me). The sky pirate dude was kinda funny, but that's it, the rest had no impact at all. They were just there.
I like to say that FF XII and XIII together make just one FF game. XII has a lot of exploration and variation, plus a fun combat system; while XIII has a storyline focus, even if I don't care about it, and strong(er) characters but limits you to a inescapable corridor.