saldite: I actually really liked 12, even though it felt to me like STAR WARS: THE FINAL FANTASY. The gameplay is decent enough (even though I don't really like the license system) and I don't mind the characters outside of Vaan and Penelo. I think it's a good enough game, but I think a lot of people came into it looking for a more generic story and gameplay styling, along with more of a story since this game gets kind of sparse with it later on. All around I think it's a really solid game, though.
stika: Could also be related to the art-style. I'll be the first one to admit I absolutely hate Shin Megami's art style
or the fact that the main series takes place in a school.
I do however like Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer's call, though still not a fan of the art style
saldite: Most of the main series doesn't really take place in a school. Really, the only games that come to mind are the Persona series, and even then, only 3 and 4 really put a strong emphasis on the schools themselves. Otherwise, the mainline SMT games (which include Lucifer's Call, as that's actually the third game in the main series but the first to see the light of day in countries outside of Japan) are mostly about pseudo-philosophical religious battles regarding how the world is build/rebuilt. Hell, the second SMT on the SNES seems to have more cyberpunk influences more than anything. I'd recommend giving some more of the non-Persona games a shot, like Strange Journey, or the original SMT 1 and 2 for SNES (Never released in English, but translation patches exist for them), as they might be more of your style.
Unfortunately, though, most of them have/use the same artists, so there's not really escaping that if you don't like the style. At least in the S
SNES games, due to sprite graphics, you don't really have to deal with it.
Yeah I'll admit I'm only familiar with Persona 3&4 as well as Shin Megami: Lucifer's call.
As I said, I liked the last one, but i really I really don't like their art style :\