Spectre: What tracks would they be. I only remember the old rockers directly being part of the story.
The Old Gods of Asgard/Children of the Elder God/Poets of the Fall tracks, yes - that's a given though.
Each chapter/segment of the game closed out with a track in the ending scene and the music mattered just as much as what you saw happening at the time. The Roy Orbison track at the close of the first part, the Poe track for the second, the Nick Cave track for the third and so on.
I'm not scholarly enough to even begin to pretend like I could know how to tie them all into the story at large - at the same time I also don't find it hard to believe that for some people it was easier in theory to get along without the music (though I still pose the question to them in regard to something they liked where music took as much prominence as the visuals, would they still get the same impact if that music were chopped out of it entirely?).
I also realize it's hard not to just feel like the possibility was they were dumped in because "hey, I like that tune" aka the "Tarantino approach" where you'll end up with a track in the middle of a scene that may sound great but have nothing remotely to do with what's actually happening in it or anything to do with the story overall being told.