ChrisGamer300: Good news that Microsoft doesn't hold the IP hostage and prevents a sequel anymore, as long as the Epic deal is not exclusive and they pull the game from other stores i don't really mind since i avoid Epic at all costs.
I hope i don't misunderstand the issue because i will sadly not give Gamespot and such ilk any clicks so i can't verify it.
If someone posted it to one of the archival sites(or you wayback machined it) you could avoid giving them clicks.
Retroman88: Although I never finished the game and expansion I did think Alan Wake was a really good time. I will go back and finish it and I have it in my gog library ready for when I do.
Alan Wake has been removed from the gog store before so I'd suggest adding it to your library if your interested in the game. I wouldn't be suprised if Epic pulled all of their titles from other store fronts given their current strategy...
By expansion do you mean american nightmare or the extra bits for the main game?
Retroman88: Alan Wake has been removed from the gog store before so I'd suggest adding it to your library if your interested in the game. I wouldn't be suprised if Epic pulled all of their titles from other store fronts given their current strategy...
TheMonkofDestiny: That was, by Remedy's own admission, their fault. When they made the first game they opted to have someone else work out a licensing deal regarding the copyrighted music used in the game and once the deal had hit its expiry the game had to be pulled from sale until they could work out a new agreement.
It's things like this that make me wish devs would only get music they cna get lifetime/infinite term licenses for.