DreamedArtist: TBH locals here in Ontario Canada are way too over priced. for a personal pizza it's almost 24 to 30 dollars not kidding at all... that is why its like we stick with chain pizza due to prices or just make our own at home. one place I went to last week 4 hours away from my city had pan pizza wood baked and almost cost me around 19 for a small, A SMALL!.. I wish I was in Detroit, I head of the crazy pizza places they have as well as hot dog joints.
Crisco1492: Sarducci's is CAD$40 for a 32-piece rectangular pie (i.e. enough for six or seven people). It's not too crazy. I know some locals are crazy, though, especially when they don't have much competition.
And to avoid getting too OOT... I have seriously considered preordering
Cyberpunk. I just don't have a computer that'll be able to run it.
40 dollars for 32 slices is damn good! but man its rare to see that and for the cyberpunk, just wait, I'm gonna wait till the game of the year comes out with all the DLC like they did with the witcher 3. I'm in no rush to play the game at all. if anything I been using all my game time to play my hacked playstation classic and enjoying the good old days. :)