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samuraigaiden: Feminist Frequency was always sort of a hoax.
Facade. But what isn't, these days? : (
GameRager: Oh, sry for the mistake. Carry on, then.
GreasyDogMeat: Zoe Quinn... I think. A key component of the gamer gate... incident/debacle/whatever you call it.

She's spending her time mocking Andy Ngo on twitter over his attack these days so she is still apparently a rotten human being.
Yeah, she was defending the use of quick dry cement in milkshakes saying that sugar would prevent it from solidifying. While true it does nothing about the quicklime in that cement causing chemical burns.
GreasyDogMeat: Zoe Quinn... I think. A key component of the gamer gate... incident/debacle/whatever you call it.

She's spending her time mocking Andy Ngo on twitter over his attack these days so she is still apparently a rotten human being.
tremere110: Yeah, she was defending the use of quick dry cement in milkshakes saying that sugar would prevent it from solidifying. While true it does nothing about the quicklime in that cement causing chemical burns.
What's really sad is that this violence will encourage reprisal attacks against innocent people that have nothing to do with the antifa punks.
low rated
GameRager: Really? Girl making fun of a guy who got beaten because she disagrees with his beliefs. That is bullsh*t.
GreasyDogMeat: We're talking about the woman who "ALLEGEDLY" was sleeping around to get her 'depression quest' game good reviews. Seems par for the course.
To be fair some might be lying but I doubt every one of them is lying....also she wouldn't be the first person(male or female) to sleep with people to get ahead/some sort of gain.
samuraigaiden: Feminist Frequency was always sort of a hoax.
samuraigaiden: Feminist Frequency was always sort of a hoax.
GreasyDogMeat: 'Scam' would be the more appropriate word.
Either of you two familiar with the nostalgia critic and how he fleeced a ton of user money for his "game show"? Good times.
Post edited July 03, 2019 by GameRager
low rated
xSinghx: I don't think anyone should worry about what lines you feel are being crossed.
GameRager: Those links you posted are extreme examples that rarely happen and are fearmongering. most right types are more rational/moderate and don't do such things.
The wishful generic view you have of others like you on the right is not the what was called into question - the statistically increasing violence of the right was.

Further given your indifference to epithets like sjw, feminist whore etc what you find moderate or rational would hardly carry water outside the protection of your tribal group.

GameRager: Also more leftists assault others(in the name of protecting rights and people, no less) than centrists and those on the right do.
Your choice to remain oblivious of the facts presented while painting your own fiction to avoid reality is your own problem - not the left's.

GameRager: As for the pic: .....painting us/them all as crybabies is simply bullsh*t.
GreasyDogMeat: Nah... that was some other feminist whore.
GameRager: Oh, sry for the mistake. Carry on, then.
The juxtaposition of you calling bullshit on a pic that points to the indifference of those on the right to women's issues while telling someone else to carry on labeling others as 'feminist whores' really says it all about the charlatanism of your effort to be percieved as either reasonable or moderate.
Post edited July 08, 2019 by xSinghx
Meet her 3 or 4 years ago during an E3, she was accompanied by two big guys/gorillas at all times, interesting and negative metaphor of a damsel in distress, something she use to want to change, or supposed to.

Her campaign with John Macintosh vs. DOOM remake, reminded me of Jack Thompson.
YaTEdiGo: Meet her 3 or 4 years ago during an E3, she was accompanied by two big guys/gorillas at all times, interesting and negative metaphor of a damsel in distress, something she use to want to change, or supposed to.
Are you talking about the woman that got doxxed out of her home, the woman whose whole family got terrorized, and which received massive death- and rape/kill threats, from so called "gamers" from all over the world?

That's the woman you're mocking here?

You're telling me, she dared to hire some bodyguards to protect her, before she went (publicly annouonced) to a venue, where her haters would hang around in droves?

Well, I don't know what to say...really. /s

Oh, thing comes to my mind: are you for real?
Considering the aim of this thread is to attack a particular person and too much politics is involved, this thread will be closed.