fronzelneekburm: I wouldn't be surprised if they actually "hired" Scamnita (ie. give her money for doing absolutely nothing of any value whatsoever), only to atone for the past "sins" they have committed in the eyes of the RetardEra crowd.
richlind33: You familiar with Triple S League? Apparently, outlets like Kotaku and RPS have financial connections to the Epic store. Still can't watch youtube vids, but are you implying that the (gaming) press has an incestuously close (financial) relationship to the industry it covers and that their "reporting" might be biased?
I'm shocked. SHOCKED, I TELL YOU!
It's almost as if all that socjus posturing is supposed to divert attention away from the fact that most gaming "journalism" is really just barely literate buffoons writing glorified advertorials under the wafer-thin pretense of helping their readers make An Informed Desicion™.
After all, if you're going to spend you career lying to people's faces that every piece of crap that a major studio unleashes unto the world out is some 10/10 Citizen Kane-of-video-games masterpiece for the ages, sooner or later somebody is going to come after you and go "Hey, cocksucker! I paid $50 for this piece of shit and it sucks!" However, you don't open yourself up to such harsh criticism if you spend the majority of the article lamenting underage transsexual gunrunners in Nicaragua or somesuch. It might be entirely unrelated to Madden 2019 (or whatever else it is you're supposed to "review"), but at least you're bringing it up for A Good Cause™. And if someone tries to object to that, you can turn the tables on them. Then you can clutch those pearls like a true pro: "What, you don't care about the underage transsexual gunrunners in Nicaragua? AH DOO DECLARE! How dare you, good sir!"
Isn't it funny how since gaems "jounalists" have started to fancy themselves as the new generation of Hunter S. Thompsons and made their articles about whatever pressing social ill-du-jour instead of the actual games, dubious and previously derided parties and outlets like IGN or the Doritopope have earned a newfound level of respect, simply because they kept that shit out of their articles. They're still shills all the same, but at least they're honest about what they're doing.