kai2: You've twisted what's been said, inaccurately stated that direct rebuttals of your arguments are lacking substance...
There's nothing you've rebutted. You not knowing the difference between that and a vapid assertion is not my problem.
kai2: ...and then tried to turn the conversation toward ridiculous "20 questions"
Questioning your empty assertions is me being charitable - as opposed to simply ridiculing your inability to support your own claims (though I may have managed to do both). :)
kai2: ...in hopes of somehow pulling your argument out of a nosedive
I don't remember putting forward an argument - simply a view that agreed with and elaborated on someone else's. There's nothing I really need to defend as there's nothing threatening about generic aphorisms, or cliche right wing talking points, what-about-isms and familiar diatribes you're reciting from others. If you don't have the intelligence or work ethic to question any of that yourself - why should I be obligated to waste my time spoon-feeding you?
kai2: Usually I'd leave such a ridiculous response as yours alone...
Given you think 'change toward a more just and equal society is inevitable' through 'a conflict free process' displaying no awareness, understanding or critique of systems of power - I'm failing to see why anything you find ridiculous should be a concern to me or anyone else.
kai2: I am Center Left. You feel the need to attack my self-identification. Is that really a winning argument for someone on the Left?
From what you've written you seem more confused, lazy, and prone to repeating others than could be properly described as ideologically left, right, or center. Which is probably why you spout gibberish like:
"Are people who value honsety[sic] and truthfulness Alt-Right? If that's the case, all idealists are Alt-Right. Do you even realize you're arguing that very case?" kai2: You decry picking “low hanging fruit” as chum for the Alt-Right, but in doing so you make an argument for inaction when truth is inconvenient.
The inconvenient truth here (as I already stated) is that Anita wouldn't exist without the Alt-right. You are aware of some basic facts about her yes? Her Kickstarter campaign was fairly modest in raising money for some Youtube videos before the alt-right adopted her as their death threat pinata and through that made her into a thing overnight and really, largely deserve the credit for her raising the funds that she did (as many in this thread have even said). How exactly is that grift? Should I also despise the Sandy Hook Parents that are going to win millions from Alex Jones because he adopted them as his pet conspiracy project? Are they grifters too?
The second notion that she is someone on the left is the kind of confused political laziness I was describing earlier. I don't recall Ralph Nadar asking for money from auto makers while simultaneously forcing them into carrying seat belts in their cars. There are plenty of corporate democrats (see an actual understanding for center right) that have concerns about representation, talk about social equality etc but are completely divorced from any understanding of class struggle, capitalism, and how that relates to marginalizing 'others' -all subjects I don't remember ever making the cut into the Sarkeesian videos I watched.
Again, the absurdity of people in this thread should be self-evident, sadly like you they think they 'have a point' or worse (self-flatteringly) 'an argument' that isn't simply a transparent chew-toy for their own political laziness and ineptitude. These kinds of reactionary threads pop up all the time. The Alt-right/right will inevitably manufacture a new Anita, a new war on Xmas, or w/e is necessary to avoid introspection and an actual knowledge or understanding of anything. Yawn.
kai2: I do have feminists who I respect.
Mary Wollstonecraft, leader of the movement for Womens' suffrage.
I asked for someone that is dealing with questioning or challenging the status quo of today not 1920 - or did all the problems get solved then in your mind? You bring up Steinem which again suggests a naivety about left right and center as she's highly criticized these days. The question was simply rhetorical to illustrate you're lack of any real interest in the subject. Easy peasy.
kai2: Lastly, by the way you ended your response (regarding authors), you obviously have no idea who Jack Thompson is..
You editing your post while I'm responding to what you've already written isn't my problem it's yours. Take some responsibility and try writing in a more complete and generally discernible manner.
Also are they teaching Jack in political philosophy classes these days that I should be impressed with you mentioning his name? Hey I'm not Bill Maher if it makes you feel better. Do I win something?
kai2: I have no more time for your idiocy. Feel free to keep screaming “silopsism” [sic] ... I have no more time to spend on your childishness.
Of course you don't you still need to learn how to spell solipsism.